The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 24, 1929
Chandler J. Lucas, aged 53, passed away at his home, 403 north Sixth street, Wednesday noon, January 16th from heart failure. While he had not been in the best of health the last illness was of short duration and his death was quite unexpected.
Chandler Lucas was born in Battle Creek, Michigan, and grew to manhood there. He was for many years captain of the fire department of that city and resigned in 1910. He came to Hamilton, Montana, where he was employed by the Bitter Roof Irrigation Company until 1917 when he took a position with the U.S. Reclamation service as construction foreman. He came to Payette with his family, wife and one son, Chandler J. Jr., October 26th, 1928, and has been employed by the Idaho Power Company at this place.
Deceased is survived by his wife and son, two brothers, Henry E. Lucas, of Battle Creek, Michigan, and David V. Lucas, of Detroit, Michigan, also one sister, Mrs. Minnie Ottoway, of Atlanta, Georgia.
Funeral services were held at the Glenn C. Landon Undertaking Parlors, Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and was conducted by Rev. A. B. Parrett, pastor of the Methodist church. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery nd the service there was in charge of the Masonic lodge, he being a member of Flathead Lodge A. F. and A. M. at Ignatius, Montana.
Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Chandler J. Lucas was born 8-23-1875 and died 1-15-1929,