The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 09, 1925
Death claimed another of our substantial citizens when James William Mahoney passed away about 9 o'clock Wednesday morning.
Mr. Mahoney was born in Harrison county, Missouri and was 67 years, 11, months and 1 day old at the time of his death. He was married to Rebecca Barnes June 11, 1882, and located in Nebraska where they lived for many years and where eleven children were born to them, three of whom have gone on before him. The living are: Walter Mahoney, of Nampa; D. C. Mahoney, of Pendleton, Oregon; A. W. Mahoney, of Nampa; Mrs. J. N. Frasier, of Payette; Mrs. Wm. Bosch, of Portland; Mrs. H. K. Lattig, of Payette; H. T. Mahoney, of Portland; and Mrs. Floyd F. Linder, of Nyssa, Oregon.
There are also twelve grandchildren and one great-grand child, four sisters and two brothers. These all live in Nebraska except Mrs. E. D. Brown of Corvallis, Oreg.
Deceased was a member of the Baptist church, which he joined in early manhood, and he has lived a clean and upright life. In 1912 he came to Payette and has since been in the employ of the Rex Spray company, a testimonial to his faithfulness to duty and integrity of character.
Funeral services will be held at the Baptist church at 10 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) morning and interment will take place in the city cemetery.