Samuel Mayfield
The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 15, 1925
Oliver Mayfield has received word that his father, Samuel Mayfield, died at Ryderwood, Washington, Saturday morning, and the remains were being sent to Payette for burial.
The Payette Independent (Thursday, January 15, 1925)
S. J. Mayfield Passes
Another of Payette's old settlers has passed away in the person if Samuel J. Mayfield, who after a brief illness with lobar pneumonia, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. M. Atterbury at Ryderwood, Wash., January 9th. He had returned from a visit to his old home in Alabama, a short time before the fatal illness.
The body, accompanied by a son, Marvin, and a daughter, Mrs. L. M. Atterbury, arrived Tuesday morning, the funeral services being conducted Wednesday morning at the Church of Christ, Rev. I. E. Mitchell officiating. The body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery, by the side of his wife.
Samuel J. Mayfield was born October 24, 1852, at Warrior Station, Alabama, and departed this life January 9, 1925, at Ryderwood, Wash. When a young man he was married to Mary Terry, and to this union ten children were born, one son, Jesse, died in 1901 and the eldest daughter, Mrs. Fernando Coulter died in 1919. He is survived by six sons and two daughters; E. W. Mayfield, Loyalist, Alberta, Canada; Andrew J. Mayfield, Caldwell; Oliver Mayfield, Payette; Harvey Mayfield, Nordman, Idaho; I. f. Mayfield, Klamath, Oregon; Mrvin Mayfield, Baker, Oregon; Mrs. H. D. Smith, Redmon, Oregon; and Mrs. L. M. Atterbury, Ryderwood, Washington.
In 1889 with his family he moved to Texas, where they resided until 1898, when they came to Payette in a covered wagon. The following year Mrs. Mayfield died, leaving him with the aid of the eldest daughter, to rear a large family.
He was in the employe of the O. S. L. for twenty-two years.
Mr. Mayfield was a devoted Christian a member for two years of the Church of Christ. He was an amiable man of upright character, and one who will be mourned by all who knew him.
By his death the community loses a consistent worker and the children loose a kind and loving father.
Payette Enterprise (January 15, 1925)
Samuel Mayfield, well known to many people of Payette, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. M. Attebery of Ryderwood, Washington on January 9th, following a short illness of pneumonia. His body was brought to Payette on Last Monday, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Attebery, and Marvin Mayfield, a son living at Baker, Oregon, and the funeral was held at the Christian church, Wednesday, January 14th at 10:00 a.m., conducted by the pastor, Rev. Mitchell.
Samuel J. Mayfield was born at Worrier Station, Alabama, October 24th, 1852, where he continued to live until 1889 when he moved with his family to Texas. In 1898, in a covered wagon he brought his family to Payette where the following year his wife passed away, leaving him with a family of ten children, one an infant but a few days old. With the help of the other children, a father's love and determination, the family was kept together in their modest little home - recorded in the memory of many people of Payette as a noble father who experienced considerable hardships, but has now gone to his reward.
Mr. Mayfield became a member of the Christian church many years ago and was one of the most faithful in that organization never failing to attend when possible. His every day life was an example of a true Christian man.
For more than 22 years Mr. Mayfield was employed by the Oregon Short Line railroad at Payette, retiring on account of matured years, but a short time ago.
The deceased is survived by six sons, and two daughter. One son Jesse passing away in 1901 at the age of 15 years, and one daughter, Mrs. Fernando Coulter died in 1919. The surviving children are E. W. Mayfield, Loyalest Alberta, Canada; Andrew J. Mayfield, Caldwell, Idaho; Oliver Mayfield of Payette; Harvey Mayfield of Nirdman, Idaho; I. F. Mayfield, Klamath Falls, Oregon; Marvin Mayfield of Baker, Oregon; Mrs. H. D. Smith, Redman, Oregon and Mrs. L. M. Attebery of Riderwood, Washington.