The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 15, 1928
Those who viewed the form of little Helen Ann McCarroll on Monday afternoon, at the Methodist Episcopal Church in Payette could not realize that she had been suffering for so many long months. She seemed so sweetly asleep in Jesus that we cannot but be grateful that the dear little girl had so kind a home in which to dwell during her stay on earth.
Helen was born in Payette, June fifteenth, nineteen hundred twenty-three, and passed to her Heavenly home on Saturday, March 10, 1928, at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland, Oregon. She had been taken to Portland by her parents on the previous Wednesday in hopes that they might find some restorative to health. It seemed that her mission on earth was nearly finished for the "Loving father" called her home at eight o'clock on the morning. Her sweet baby voice and childish ways will always be remembered by those who knew and loved her.
The noble discourse on the "Unselfishness of Love," by Payette's beloved Pastor, Rev. Hall, calmed and soothed the hearts of all the friends and relatives who surrounded the grieving family. Never did music more truly prove itself the most sublime gift to mankind than when its tones of loving pathos were presented by Mrs. Masonhelmer, pianist; Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. Whalen and Mrs. Davis in the beautiful trio "The Twenty-Third Psalm," Mrs. Rollin Smith, "It is Enough to Know," and the Weiser P. E. O. trio composed of Mrs. Rollin smith, Mrs. L. H. Allen and Mrs. George Donart in the song, "Nearer My God To Thee." Only those present can describe the divine comfort of these wonderful voices.
Besides the mother and father Mr. and Mrs. B. F. McCarroll, little Helen leaves two sisters, Zelma, aged ten, Edith, aged nine and brother, Bob, aged six years. Out of town relatives present in Payette were Mrs. Mary Russell, of Weiser, a dear and loving grandmother, aunts and uncles Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parsons, of Nampa, Mrs. and Mr. Lyle Wood, of Weiser, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Russel, of Boise, and cousins Beth and Russel Wood, of Weiser.
A sigh on the cold winds, a moan on the tree-top
A wail floating out o'er the plains of the West.
A plaint of the soul drooping low in its sadness,
Our baby has gone to the chimes of the blest.
She came, all enrobed in the beams of her beauty,
And nestled all close to the warm mother breast,
And seemed like a lily awaiting its blooming.
But baby has gone to the chimes of the blest.
Ashort time she lingered, the dear darling Helen
As if she would tarry our home's willing guest.
But purer than earth, and soon wanted in Heaven
She flitted away to the chimes of the blest.
And lone in the bosom where once she lay smiling,
And empty the arms, her fair head once pressed,
Deep brood the shadows of drear desolation,
For baby has gone to the chimes of the blest.
How hard is the sundering, how slow the submission,
When our birdlings have flown from the tender home nest
For we know there is balm in the hope o the whisper,
Our baby has gone in the home of the blest.
Over there where white robes know never a tarnish,
Over there where no pain and no parting molest,
Over there in the realms of the lasting and fadeless,
Our baby is safe in the chimes of the blest.
Ye hearts that were broken, look up and behold her,
A cherub is Glory! Yes, surely 'tis best,
That early exempted from storm-clouds and tempests,
Your baby was taken to the chimes of the blest.
We wait and we wonder by what precious name,
They received her, as she entered with joys in the sweet vales of rest.
Has she taken her name, that you gave her...
To the lips of the angles in the land of new birth?
There, too, shall we know by the same such endearments?
When soon in our own immorality dress,
We shall sit down in judgment, as the name sake of Jesus,
Our babes and ourselves in the chimes of the blest.
A prayer on the low winds, a song in the tree tops,
The tears brushed away, and the sadness repressed,
A voice of the Soul, in its calm and determined resignation.
We'll again know our dear ones in the chimes of the blest.
Contributed by a Weiser friend.
The foregoing beautiful tribute needs no addenda, but our hearts too, go out to Mr. and Mrs. McCarroll in the great loss they have suffered, Helen was but a child, but what a wonderful child. As a teacher and friend so tenderly expressed it "Beautiful in life and beautiful in death - O, so beautiful! That little piece of loveliness, sleeping so peacefully in her last little cradle, makes a picture that will comfort and bless you through all the coming years."
The beautiful floral offerings and large attendance at the last and rites were wonderful testimonials to the community's affection for one so young. She was with us but a brief spell, but she radiated love and sunshine in a remarkable degree for one of her tender years, and Heaven will be enriched by her presence.