Hazel McCarty

Payette Independent
Friday, April 14, 1905

Last Tuesday morning little Hazel, the five-months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCarty, died after a hard struggle with whooping cough and pneumonia. Every possible effort on the part of friends was put forth to save the beautiful child. Rev. Herbert Jones of the Payette Methodist church conducted appropriate services Wednesday morning at the home. Most beautiful hand cut flowers surrounded the child and will be a consoling memory for the bereaved parents.

Card of Thanks

We extend to our friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in the late bereavement in the loss of our baby our heartfelt thanks.


New Plymouth Outlook (Friday, April 07, 1905)

The funeral of the baby girl, Hazel, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. McCarty, was held at the home, Wednesday morning. Rev. Jones conducted the services, being assisted by the young people. A more beautiful child at five months old is seldom seen, and the grief-stricken parents are assured of their friends' sympathy. Whooping cough and pneumonia combined took the little one.