Robert McConnell
The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 20, 1925
Robert McConnell was born in Payette June 30, 1904, and moved with his parents to Fruitland in 1907, where he has since resided. He united with the Baptist Church when 16 years old, and has been an earnest worker and regular attendant ever since. He attended school at Fruitland until a few years ago, when he went to Ontario, and had gone there the past three years. He suffered an attack of influenza six years ago, which left him with rheumatism and leakage of the heart. He had been in very poor health the past two months and confined to his bed two weeks prior to his death, Friday afternoon at 1:45. He leaves to mourn his loss his father and mother, two brothers, Willie and Floyd, of Fruitland, and five sisters, Mabel, Edith, and Lola at home, and Mrs. Frances Yaeger of Payette and Mrs. Rosa McKinney, of Baker. A brother, Walter, preceded him in death 8 years last July. Funeral services were held from the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at 3:30, conducted by Rev. Ford M. Burtch, of Notus. Interment was made in the family lot in Riverside cemetery.
The Payette Independent (Thursday, September 24, 1925)
Owing to illness in the family the following obituary notice who not handed in sooner, but in deference to the family we publish it even though it is a little late.
Robert Alx McConnell
Robert McConnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. McConnell, was born at Fruitland, Idaho, June 30, 1904, and passed away Friday, August 14, 1925, at the age of 21 years, 1 month and 14 days.
Robert's school days were spent in Fruitland, except this last year, which was in Ontario. He was converted and joined the Fruitland Baptist Church at the age of 12. He has been afflicted with leakage of the heart for four years. The last three months he has been under the care of a physician and the last three weeks was confined to his bed. Robert realized his critical illness and bore it patiently, trying to be cheerful. All was done that a loving family could do, but all bowed to the will of Heaven, feeling sure that a wiser hand pours out this portion for our lips to drink.
Robert will be missed in the home and he leaves to mourn for him, besides his parents, five sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Frances Yager, Mrs. Rosa McKenney, Wm. H.; Mabel, Edith, Floyd and Iola.
The funeral services were conducted at the Baptist Church by Rev. Bartch in a very impressive manner, the floral offerings were beautiful. Robert was layed to rest in the Riverside cemetery, beside his older brother, Walter.
The parents and loved ones have the sympathy of the entire community in the loss of the son and brother.
Payette Enterprise (Thursday, August 20, 1925)
Robert McConnell, fifth child of William and Mary McConnell, was born in Payette, June 30, 1904. When 3 years of age he moved with his parents to Fruitland, where he has resided ever since. He joined the Baptist church of Fruitland, when 16 years of age and has been a regular attendant ever since. He attended the Fruitland schools until a few years ago, when he went to Ontario and attended there for 3 years. He has been a sufferer from rheumatism and leakage of the heart for the past 6 years, following an attack of the flu, but it has been only the past two months he has been seriously ill, and the past two weeks he has been in bed. He leaves to mourn his loss besides the parents, two brothers, Willie and Floyd, and five sisters, Mrs. Francis Yaeger of Payette, Mrs. Rosa McKinney of Baker, and Mable, Edith and Lola all at home. One brother Walter, preceeded him in death 8 years ago.
Funeral services were held from the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 3:30, conducted by Rev. Ford Burtch of Notus and interment made in Riverside cemetery, Payette.