Edward McGlothlin

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 06, 1911

In Memory

Edward McGlothlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGlothlin, was born in Brown county, Texas, December 18, 1890. His death occurred March 13, 1911. He leaves a father, mother and two sisters to mourn his departure. His death was exceedingly sad, sudden and unexpected, it having been caused by accident as told in last week's issue of the Independent. The family are almost overcome with grief. A host of kind neighbors and friends deeply sympathize with them. Edward McGlothlin came here from Okemah, Okla., in April, 1909.

Those who knew him best were impressed with his kindly disposition and courteous manner. He was diligent, honest, generous and endeavored to lead an upright life.

The funeral services were conducted at the grave by Rev. Gorham. The grief of the family was so intense that the minister was compelled to omit giving usual biographical sketch or to make mention of the many excellent traits and sterling virtues which characterized this good and useful young man.

He is not dead - the child of our affection,
But gone unto that school where he no longer needs our protection, And Christ Himself doeth rule.