Grace Davis McGrath

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 01, 1928


After a lingering illness from which she suffered for many months, Mrs. Harry B. McGrath passed away Wednesday morning about 4 o'clock. She underwent an operation last September and has been under a doctor's care ever since. She was taken to the hospital a couple of weeks ago, but was brought home after all hope of her recovery was given up.

Grace Davis was born at Adrian, Michigan, September 18, 1875. In March 1914 she was united in marriage to Harry McGrath and to this union were born two children, Joseph and Flora, aged 11 and 12 respectively. The family came to Payette about a year and a half ago and Mr. McGrath established a filling station on south twelfth street. Mrs. McGrath had a wide circle of friends and was a good neighbor and devoted wife and mother. The many friends join the husband and children in mourning her loss.

Funeral services were held at the Peterson Undertaking Home this (Thursday) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and were conducted by Rev. V. E. Hall, pastor of the Methodist church of which she was a member. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery.