The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 17, 1928
Mrs. Ann McIlvene, an aged resident of this city, who live alone in the east part of town, passed away Tuesday morning after a brief illness. She had no relatives in this part of the country, but a foster son, C. A. Stoops, of California, arrived in response to a message telling of her illness.
Mrs. McIlvene was born in Missouri about 80 years ago and lived in the middle west until 1892 when she came to Payette to make this her home. She was a prominent member of the Rebekah lodge and was beloved by the members of that order and by all who knew her.
Funeral services were held at the Christian church this (Thursday) afternoon at 2:30 and were conducted by Rev. Dick, the pastor. The Rebekah lodge had charge of the services at Riverside cemetery and turned out in large numbers to pay a last tribute to their decreased sister.