Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 12, 1918
It is with a great degree of sadness that we make the announcement of the death of little Mary Eleanor McKinney, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McKinney, who passed form this life into the great beyond at 2:30 Wednesday morning. The little one was taken with Spanish influenza about a week before her death which soon developed into pneumonia and while she received the tenderest care and constant attention of the best of physicians it was to no avail and death came to relieve her sufferings at 2:30 Wednesday morning being just 2 years, 11 months and 4 days old at the time of her death. This is one of the saddest occurrences this community has ever witnessed, as the mother at the time and is now lying very low with the same disease and the body of her sister Mrs. L. C. Kelly of Columbus, Ohio, who died of influenza last Tuesday morning is enroute for interment at this place, accompanied by the husband and infant child.
On account of the prohibiting of public gatherings no public funeral was held, just a short service conducted by Rev. Thomas Ashworth at the Riverside cemetery where the little body was laid to rest.
Many are the sorrowing friends who will deeply sympathize with the bereaved relatives in the loss of this little one that was so near and dear to them, who will ever remember with cherished thoughts the bright spot in the home for a few short months. She was a sweet child and will not only be missed by father and mother and other relatives, but by many others who frequently passed the home.