Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 15, 1917
John McWilliams died Tuesday morning and was buried Wednesday afternoon, funeral services being at the Presbyterian church, conducted by the pastor Mr. Reed, in conjunction with Mr. McWilliams' Fraternal order "The Woodmen of the World." A large company of people came to express their sympathy with the bereaved ones as well as their high esteem of "Johnny" as he was endearingly known.
He has been in poor health a good while. Some two years ago he suffered an injury to his heart and has not been able to depend on himself for full duty since. But he had a stout will and kept doing his best until a leakage prostrated him some weeks ago, since which time it has been plain to his friends that he had but a short time to live.
Two brothers came from Colorado before the death and remained for the funeral. Another brother and two sisters were unable to be here.
He was born in St. Louis county, Mo., Jan 30th, 1878. As a small boy he was ? to Colorado where he grew up with a mother's care only till the age of seven. After that the father was also mother to him except as the older brothers and sisters shared the privilege of caring for their young brother.
At twenty he enlisted in the regular army and was very soon sent to help uphold the flag in the Philippines. In all he gave five years soldier service to his country. He came to Payette eleven years ago.
In October 1912 he was married to Miss Edna Davis and the five years of wedded life have been happy ones indeed. There are no children so the bereavement to Mrs. McWilliams is the more complete. But she has a rich heritage in the memory of him. Those who knew him in the ways that unveil character are eager to say of him not only a good man, but a rarely good man. The Enterprise joins with the many other friends in extending the fullest sympathy to the wife as well as to the other relatives who feel a keen sense of loss in his departure from this realm of earthly friendships.