Payette Independent
Thursday, June 22, 1911
Donald Merritt Dies
Death, seldom or never a welcome visitor, no matter what are the circumstances or conditions in life, is a calamity from which the young especially shrink. The aged man who has seen his friends drop away from around him one by one, and who feels the oppressive weight of years, many view with indifference the approach of dissolution; but to youth and young manhood vibrant with life and animation, imbued with hope and high aspirations for the future, the call of death is peculiarly sad. It is our sad duty to record the death of a young man who was the idol of his parents and loved by his friends.
Donald Merritt, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Merritt, was born in Perry, Kans. and died in Payette June 15th, aged 21 years, 8 months and 3 days. He had been ill for the greater part of two years. His parents had sent him to different places, hoping that climate and other conditions might effect a cure, but disappointment met their efforts.
Rev. A. L. Howarth preached a short funeral sermon at the house Sunday afternoon. The M.W.A., of which he was a member, took charge of the ceremony at the grave. He was a devoted son, a loving brother and a faithful friend. His father and mother, two sisters and one brother survive him.