Jessie Pearl Moore

Independent Enterprise
Thursday, August 01, 1957

Payette Pioneer Called By Death

An early Payette pioneer, Mrs. Jessie Pearl Moore, 82, passed on in this city Sunday.

Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Shaffer Memory Chapel with the Rev. Charles Easley of the Methodist church officiating. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery.

Mrs. Moore was born January 17, 1875, the next to the oldest of seven children reared by Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stroup. Mr. and Mrs. Stroup came to what was then Washoe Bottoms as early pioneers, moving there from Alba, Mo.

After her marriage Jessie moved from the Payette community, to return here to live many years later. Then it was, she took up residence with her sister, Mrs. Alta Coughanour who preceded her in death some weeks ago.

Mrs. Moore was Past Worthy Matron of the Order of Eastern Star and Past Noble Grand of the Rebekahs Lodge. She also had been active in several other organizations.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. S. J. Turley, Green River, Wyo., and Mrs. Max Glichrist, Arcata, Calif. Five grandsons and 2 grand-daughters.

Besides her husband, she was preceded in passing by one son and a daughter.

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