Peter Mordhorst

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 16, 1911

Peter Mordhorst Dies

Peter Mordhorst, father of George Mordhorst and Mrs. Emma Precht, died Tuesday of last week, after an illness of about a year. He was 72 years old. The funeral was held Friday afternoon at the residence at 2 o'clock by the Payette grange.

The Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 16, 1911)


Peter Mordhorst an aged resident of this valley and one who had lived here for eleven years died at his home north of the city on Tuesday March 7th from old age and a complication of diseases. Mr. Mordhorst was a well known resident of the valley and in the vicinity in which he lived had the friendship and respect of all his neighbors. He leaves to mourn his loss two children both residents of this valley. George Mordhorst and Mrs. Emma Precht. The funeral services occurred on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the ranch home, a large number of friends paying their last tribute of respect to a well known friend and neighbor. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery beside the remains of his wife who passed away just a year ago in January last.

Peter Mordhorst was born in Germany, April 3, 1839, and came to America in May 1867 and first located at Davenport, Iowa. After a residence of 2 years in Davenport, he moved to Tama county and in 1877 he moved to Carroll county, Iowa, where he lived until the year 1900 when in company with others who were seeking the far west he came to Payette Valley and since that time has resided here. Peter Mordhorst was of a very quiet, retiring nature but was one of those neighbors that are missed in the neighborhood in which they reside when called away. The sympathy of a large number of friends will be with his son and daughter in this loss of their father coming so soon after the death of their mother.