Frank Conklin Moss

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 22, 1926


Another of Payette's prominent pioneer citizens has answered the last call and been taken from the sphere of his labors of nearly half a century, Frank Moss, one of the original founders of Payette and one of the owners of the first mercantile establishment, passed away at St. Luke's hospital in Boise last Saturday, April 17, following an operation from which he did not rally. He had been in poor health for some time and for the past few months had been suffering much although he remained comparatively active and was not confined to bed until after the operation.

Frank Conklin Moss was born in Belviders, Illinois, June 9, 1852, and spent his boyhood in his native state. He was a graduate of the State University of Illinois, having worked his way through college and then he came west and engaged in teaching in Wyoming. In 1880 he was married to Ruth Barnes, at Salt Lake City and the next year he secured a contract for furnishing the railroad ties for the Oregon Short Line Railroad from Kelton, Utah, to Huntington, Oregon, and with his wife and infant baby he moved into Long Valley and began that enormous task.

He took his brother, A. B. Moss, in on this contract and they floated the logs down the Payette river to the present town of Payette. They put a boom across the river to stop the logs and the place was given the name of "Boomerang" which stayed with it for a long time. A store was established and this was made head-quarters for the business. When the railroad contract was completed Mr. Moss identified himself with the business, growth and prosperity of Payette and Payette Valley and spent no small part of his wealth and energy in making the prosperous community it is. He was one of the oldest Odd Fellows in Payette and was prominent in lodge circles and activities.

He is survived by six children, five boys and one daughter. They are Edward, of Portland, Oregon; Frank, of Parma; James, of New Plymouth; Staten and West and Mrs. Sam Walker of Payette.

Funeral services were held at the Episcopal church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 and were conducted by Rev. Thos. Ashworth, rector. The services at the grave were in charge of the Odd Fellows' lodge. A large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the remains to their last resting place in Riverside cemetery.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, April 22, 1926)


Frank C. Moss, one of the early pioneers and one of the first business men of Payette died at a Boise hospital at 6:30 Saturday morning, April 17th, after an illness of several months which grew rapidly worse during the last two weeks. He was taken to Boise on Thursday, April 8th, and underwent an operation four day later, where he was given the best of care and medical aid, but due to this weakened condition and advanced years his case seemed hopeless and death came to his relief five days after his operation. Mr. Moss was one of the first settlers in the Payette Valley, coming here as one of the pioneers, 44 years ago, and during the early days was one of the principal factors in building up and bringing settlers to this section. He was born in the State of Illinois, June 12, 1852, and came west soon after graduating from the university of that state, settling at Green River, Wyoming, where he was for a time engaged in freighting. He was married to Ruth Barns at Salt Lake, Utah on November 21st, 1880, and soon after moved to Peedmon, Wyoming, where he was engaged in getting out mining timber and the following year moved to Bitter Creek, 20 miles from Rock Springs, Wyoming, where he was in stock raising for a short time, then returning to Peedman where he taught school during that winter, and from there to Payette in company with his brother (the late ?. B. Moss) the two brothers having secured a contract for supplying a large quantity of railroad ties for the Union Pacific then building into this section of the country.

After completing their contract in bringing ties down the Payette River from the Long Valley section, the first store was established in Payette (then called Bomerang) by Moss Brothers, the building was located one block south of where the Denney & Company drier now stands, and a few years later a larger building was erected for this growing institution, facing the railroad track at the rear of the present Moss Mercantile Company, thus the little store that made its existence in 1883 grew to one of the largest institutions in this section and was the principal trading place covering a large territory.

Mr. Moss was a Charter member of the Odd Fellows lodge at this place and also the Rebekah lodge. He was one of the faithful members seldom failing to attend all meetings when conditions would permit. While he encountered some adverse conditions, he was always cheerful and looked upon the bright side of life, he was a good neighbor and a friend to all who knew him. He will be missed as one of the pioneers who helped pave the way for others and build up the community he has left behind.

Besides his wife, he is survived by five sons and one daughter, Edward A. Moss of Portland, Oregon; Frank Moss of Wilder, Idaho; Mrs. Sam Walker of Payette; James C. Moss, of New Plymouth; Staten Moss and West Moss of Payette. He is also survived by nine grand-children.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Thomas Ashworth, where fully one hundred Odd Fellows attended in body using the usual beautiful burial ceremony at the grave in Riverside cemetery where the body was laid to rest.