Independent Enterprise
Thursday, July 07, 1949
Col. W. H. Moss passed away at his home in this city on July 6th and funeral services will be held at 10 o’clock Saturday morning at St. James Episcopal church, interment will be made in the family plot at Riverside cemetery following Masonic committal services. Taps will be sounded by a squad from the American Legion. Rev. Thomas Ashworth, of Butte, Montana, an old family friend will assist with the service.
Honorary pall bearers will be C. W. Thurston, E. H. Murphy, J. F. Whalen, H. B. Catron, Herman Welker, Sam Walker, A. L. Pence and Earl Venable. Active pall bearers will be close friends and past master of the Masonic lodge, J. E. Oldham, R. H. Shake, Larry Brainard, Charles Hartung, Ed Parsons and W. N. Rowberry.
The body will lie in state at the Shaffer Memory chapel, Friday evening from 7 to 9 p.m.
Col. W. H. Moss, U. S. Army, was born at Piedmont, Wyo., Dec. 27, 1881 and passed away July 6, 1949 at his home 909 N. 9th street, aged 67 years, 6 months, 9 days. He was a son of A. B. Moss and Celia A. Moss, who predeceased him.
Col. Moss was a graduate of Payette high school in 1899. He studied law for a short period in the law offices of Richards & Haga of Boise. At that time he received an appointment thru Bruton L. French, congressman from Idaho to West Point Military Academy and entered in1904, was graduated in 1909 and served his country in foreign service and thru World War 1. He was retired in 1936 from Fort Douglas, Utah and returned to Payette to live out his life.
After his return he became interested in business and farming, was vice president of the Payette Development and the Idaho Canning Co. His activities during World War 11 were outstanding as chairman of all war loan drives of which Payette county was one of the first to go over 100 per cent on each and every drive. He was active in the Masonic lodge, being past master of the order, past high priest of the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons and past president of the Payette Shrine club. He was also a member of the American Legion and a past commander, also a member of the Elks lodge, of Watertown, N. Y. He was also a life honorary member of Boys Town. Col. Moss was of an extremely charitable nature and many will recall his kindness.
His army career was extensive, being a graduate of Fort Benniing, at Leavenworth and the war college at the time the General Patton was enrolled and many others who were famous in World War 11. He numbered among his close acquaintances Gen. Eisenhower, Gen. Eichelberger, Gen. Patton, Gen. Wainwright, Gen. Hartman and Gen. Joe Stillwell and a host of others. He was a member of the Episcopal church of Payette and was a pioneer of outstanding principals and had a host of friends who surely will remember him as an outstanding citizen.
Col. Moss is survived by four brothers, Albert B. Moss, jr., Fred M. Moss and Heber Moss, of Payette and William A. Moss, of Alameda, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Moss arrived by plane form California to attend the funeral.