H. B. Newlon

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 04, 1923

H. B. Newlon was born in Edgar county, Illinois, September 19, 1943, and departed this life at Payette, Idaho, September 28, 1923, aged 80 years and 9 days.

At the age of 13 years the family was taken with western fever and they moved to Emporia, Kansas, the then extreme western frontier, and he engaged in stock raising and ranging. He was married at this place. He enlisted in the service of his country toward the close of the Civil War, in the 17th Kansas Infantry, and received an honorable discharge. Several years after the war he and his wife moved to Cushing, Oklahoma, where his first wife, Anna Newlon, died November 15, 1602.(has to be wrong) There were no children of this union, although shortly before Mrs. Newlon's death they adopted Ethel Newlon, who assisted in the care of her father a part of the period of his illness.

On November 6, 1904, the deceased was married to Mrs. Ruth Brown, who still survives him, and during his late illness was constantly at his bedside, enduring much fortitude, as Mr. Newlon was afflicted with cancer and his suffering was intense for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Newlon moved to Payette in 1912, and have since reside here.

The funeral was held at the Christian church Sunday, at 2 p. m., conducted by S. H. Gorham, and interment at Riverside cemetery, conducted by the Masonic order, of which he was a member. The G. A. R. and W. R. C. attended in a body.


We avail ourselves of the opportunity to (several words unreadable) gratitude to the many kind friends who tendered their aid and sympathy during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father.
Mrs. H. B. Newlon, Ethel Newlon