Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 15, 1917
Nels Pearson of Fruitland died Saturday March 10, 1917. Death was due to Brights disease. Mr. Pearson was born to Skone, Sweden, Jan 4th, 1852 and came to America in 1890. He was married to Miss Elna Maimrose, Aug. 8th, 1883 and to this union were born six daughters, two dying in infancy. Mr. Pearson came to the Payette Valley 18 years ago and settled on a piece of sage brush land two and one-half miles east of Fruitland with comparatively nothing but by hard work and thrift he converted this land into a fine orchard and home, and has reared and educated his family of four daughters, Mrs. Elsie Brunnelle of Spokane, Wash., Miss Anna, who was an efficient teacher in the Fruitland school several years, but who has been helping to care for her father the past year during his illness. Miss Ruth, who is a nurse in a hospital at Walla Walla, Wash., and Miss Helen, who is attending Lewiston Normal. Besides his four daughters he is survived by his wife. Mr. Pearson was a charter member of the Swedish Lutheran church at Payette. The funeral services were held Tuesday forenoon at 11 o'clock when a service in English was held at the house, and at 1:30 a Swedish service in the church at Payette, Rev. C. E. Olson of Boise, officiating. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery at Payette, where an infant daughter was buried.