The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 08, 1928
John O. Pederson, one of Payette's most respected citizens, passed away at his home in this city just as the clock struck twelve at noon Sunday, after a lingering illness covering a period of several months.
Mr. Pederson was born at Woodford, California, November 7, 1868, and spend his youth in his native state. In 1883 he came to Vale, Oregon, where he was united in marriage in 1896 to Alice Gillerman and to their union was born five children. They are Mrs. Earl Clark, Mrs. Richard Hogue and Jess Pederson, of Payette; Mrs. Burton Woodward, of Boise; and Miss Teresa Pederson, of Ontario, Oregon.
In 1917 Mr. Pederson and family came to Payette and have resided here ever since. He was as upright and honorable citizen and respected by all. He is survived by Mrs. Pederson and the five children.
Funeral services were held at the Landon undertaking parlors at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and he was buried in Riverside cemetery.