Elizabeth Bless Pettit

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 06, 1927


The entire community was shocked Friday when the news was received that Mrs. Charles Pettit, of near Washoe, had passed away at the Holy Rosary hospital at Ontario, after a short illness from pneumonia. It had been known she was quite ill, but her death came suddenly and almost unexpectedly.

Elizabeth Bless was born March 28, 1878, at St. Paul, Indiana, and passed away September 30th, 1927. she was married to Charles A. Pettit in 1900 at Indianapolis, Indiana. One child, Doris Pettit, was born to them in 1910 at rock Ford, Colorado. after the birth of the daughter they returned to Indiana, but came back to Colorado in 1914. Two years later, after making another short visit to Indiana they came to Idaho, arriving in Payette on April 2, 1916, and have lived here continuously since that time.

The surviving relatives are the husband, Charles A. Pettit; the daughter Doris Pettit; three brothers, William, Charles and Ed Bless, all of Komomo, Indiana; four sisters, Mrs. Rose Grosscup, of Lancaster, Ohio; Mrs. Elmer Gilpin, of Indianapolis, Indiana; Mrs. Mary Fuelle, of Broadlands, Illinois, and Mrs. Charles Ruthford, of Marion, Indiana.

Mrs. Pettit was a member of the Christian church and of the Rebekah lodge, and was a prominent worker in both organizations. Her noble Christian character and cheerful and pleasing personality endeared her to all who knew her and her untimely death is mourned by everybody.

Funeral services were held at the Christian church Sunday afternoon and the outpouring of friends was a testimonial to the love and esteem of all. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs turned out in large numbers. The services were conducted by Rev. Frances Cook, and following them interment took place at Riverside cemetery.

Mr. Pettit and Doris have the deepest sympathy of the community in the loss they have sustained.


We wish to thank the many friends who have been so kind and helpful during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother.

To the I. O. O. F. and Rebecca lodges we express our thanks for the assistance rendered and for the beautiful floral offerings given. To the church we express our thanks and appreciation.

To those who thought of her during her illness do we especially wish to express our thanks. Charles A. Pettit, Doris L. Pettit, Henry L. Bliss and family