Katie Peutz

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 09, 1915


News was received at this place Monday of the death of Mrs. Henry Peutz, which occurred on that date at Lake Port, Idaho. Mrs. Peutz, who had resided near this city for a number of years, had long been a sufferer from tuberculosis and was spending the winter in the higher altitude of the Payette Lakes section. Mr. Peutz arrived with the remains on the P.V. train Wednesday evening, the funeral taking place at 2 o'clock this afternoon.

Payette Independent (Thursday, December 16, 1915)

On the afternoon of Friday, Dec. 10, the funeral of Mrs. Katie Peutz took place.

Mrs. Peutz, whose maiden, name was Katie Michelson, was born in Sweden, Oct. 22, 1876. When six years of age, in 1881 she came to this country, and was married April 2, 1897, to Mr. Henry Peutz, to whom she has been a devoted wife and a tender mother for her children. Last summer she had gone to Payette Lakes to find relief in her severe illness; but God willed it otherwise. On December 1, she died and leaves to grieve over her death her husband, two daughters, aged 17 and 13, one son aged six, one sister, Mrs. Wm. Peutz, in Nyssa, Ore., and one brother, Peter Michelson of Payette.

Mr. Peutz and children wich to express their sincere gratitude and appreciation for christian sympathy shown to them through floral tributes by the German Verein, the German Ladies Aid, friends and relatives, also for the comfort received from large attendance at the funeral.

May the bereaved seek and find Divine comfort and consolation.