The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 13, 1927
Effie Agnes Pitts was born in Payette April 8, 1909, and died here January 8, 1927, after a long illness. Her mother died when she was five years old and since then she has been a daughter in the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Ashlock. About a year ago, she had influenza, which developed into tuberculosis. She was taken to West Hills Sanatorium, where for several months everything that medical skill could suggest was done for her, but at her own request she was brought back to Payette in December. She is mourned by her father and brother F. H. Pitts and Claude Pitts both of Oregon City, and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Ashlock of Payette, an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funderburk of Ames, Iowa, and a cousin, Alice Ashlock of Payette.
Effie was a member of Bluebird Troop No. 1 G. S. A., and was always a loyal scout. In her troop and in her school she leaves a gap, and many sorrowing friends. Funeral services conducted by the Rev. F. W. Deane from the Baptist church, at ten o'clock Tuesday morning. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, the Girl Scouts acting as Paul bearers and flower girls.
We wish to express our appreciation to friends and neighbors for their sympathy and help in the loss of our dear one. To those who sent flowers, to the Girl Scouts who rendered such wonderful service, to those who furnished cars, to Mr. and Mrs. Landon for their kindness and help and to Rev. Deane in his words of consolation. T. H. PITTS and son CLAUDE, R. and MRS. W. P. ASHLOCK, MR. and MRS. R. FUNDERBURK