The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 10, 1927
Henry Portner was born in York, Pennsylvania, in 1861, and died February 7th, 1927, at the Holy Rosary Hospital in Ontario. Death resulted from long illness, six years of suffering born with unfailing patience. Deceased was married to Carrie Farnham at Apple River, Illinois, Dec. 19, 1888. Besides his widow, Mr. Portner leaves to mourn his loss, four children, Mrs. Alta McKenzie of Butte, Montana, Mrs. Zoe Carper of Idaho Falls, Dewey Portner of Payette and Dana Portner of Miles, Montana. Mr. Portner was a member of the Mason, Odd Fellows, and Modern Woodman Lodges. Funeral services were held Wednesday from the Peterson Undertaking parlors, the impressive ceremonial being conducted by the Masonic Lodge. Many beautiful floral offerings covered the casket and interment was made in Riverside Cemetery.
To Mrs. Portner, whose faithful ministrations to her husband through his years of suffering won the sympathy and admiration of all, and to the other members of the family, the sympathy of the community goes out.
We wish to express our sincere thanks to the kind friends who rendered us such great assistance in the last illness, death and burial of our beloved husband and father. Especially do we wish to thank the Masonic, Odd Fellows and Modern Woodmen orders, W. D. Farnham and N. H. Farnham and families and those who contributed such beautiful floral offerings. MRS. CARRIE B. PORTNER, MRS. A. McKENZIE, MRS. IRA W. CASPER, DEWEY PORTNER, DANA PORTNER