William Marin Renn

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 10, 1925


William Marin Renn, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Renn, was born August 9th, 1925, and died September 4, 1925, aged 24 days. Although Mr. and Mrs. Renn are new comers in Payette, they are not alone in their grief, and have the sincere sympathy of all who know them. Funeral services, which were held at the Home Undertaking Parlors, on the afternoon of September 2, were conducted by the Rev. Vernon Hall, and interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

Payette Enterprise (September 10, 1925)

William Martin Rems, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rems, who are working in the fruit at the Petrie place, died Sept. 4, at the age of 24 days. Funeral services were held at 4:30 Sept. 4, from the Home Undertaking parlors, conducted by Rev. V. E. Hall of the Methodist church.