Ada Grace Cree Scritchfield

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 28, 1926


Former Payette Lady Dies Suddenly At Weiser of Mastoid Trouble

Late Monday evening Mr. E. C. S. Brainard received the news that Mrs. A. P. Scritchfield, daughter of Mrs. Mary Cree, of this city, was suddenly stricken with mastoid trouble following an attack of influenza, and was not expected to live. Mrs. Scott Brainard, sister of Mrs. Scrichfield, was visiting at the Brainard home and she and Mr.. Brainard drove to Weiser at once, only to find that hope had been abandoned by her physicians.

The gathering in Mrs. Scritchfield's head broke and burst her ear drum but the poisonous puss was not thrown off and went to her brain. Death followed at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon during which time the unfortunate lady was relieved of the suffering, which would have followed, by unconsciousness. Death came quietly and peacefully. With her at the time was her husband and children, her sister, Mrs. Scott Brainard, and brother, John Cree, who reached her bedside Tuesday morning. The mother was visiting a son at Eugene, Oregon, and they did not arrive until after her death.

Funeral services were held in the Methodist church in this city at 2:30 this afternoon, the Rev. V. E. Hall officiating, and interment took place at Riverside cemetery.

A more extended obituary will be published next week.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, February 04, 1926)


Ada Grace Cree, the oldest daughter of Ozias and Mary Cree was born near Westmoreland, Kansas, September 26, 1876. In September, 1897, she was married to Alfred Reed. The lived in Kansas and Idaho until his death in 1907.

January 25, 1909, She was married to A. P. Scritchfield of Payette, Idaho and resided here and in Wendell, Idaho until 1922, when they moved to Weiser, Idaho.

Mrs. Scritchfield passed away January 26, 1926 at the age of forty nine years and four months. She leaves to mourn her death her husband, A. P. Scritchfield, two children, Lois, age nine and Vernon, age seven, her mother, five sisters and two brothers.

When a girl, Mrs. Scritchfield joined the Methodist Church. She was an untiring worker in the Sunday School and all church activities.

She was a devoted wife and mother as well as a loving daughter and always found a great joy in serving and helping her sisters and brothers.

She was always generous with her strength and ability and was interested in all good work in whatever community she lived. At one time she was president of the Payette Portia Club. She was a member of the P. E. O. sisterhood and loved it very much.

It may truly be said of her that, "She has done what she could."


We desire to express to our friends our deep appreciation of their thoughtfulness, kindness and sympathy shown us in our recent bereavement. A. P. Scritchfoeld and family, Mary Cree and family

Payette Enterprise (January 28, 1926)


Mrs. A. P. Scritchfield, a former Payette lady, died at her home in Weiser, Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, after an illness of but a few days. Her death was caused by complications following an attack of the flu. The immediate cause is said to have been a pressure on the brain caused from a gathering in her head which bursted the ear drum. This will be sad news to many friends of the family who live at this place.

She leaves a husband and two children, a daughter 9 and a son 7. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2:30 from the Methodist church.

A more complete obituary will be published next week.

Payette Enterprise (February 04, 1926)


Ada Grace Cree, oldest daughter of Ozias and Mary Cree was born near Westmoreland, Kansas, September 26, 1876. In September 1897, she was married to Alfred Reed. They lived in Kansas and Idaho until his death in 1907. On January 25, 1909, she was married to A. P. Scritchfield of Payette, Idaho, and resided there and in Wendell, Idaho, until 1922, when they moved to Weiser, Idaho.

Mrs. Scrtichfield passed away January 26, 1926, at the age of forty-nine years and four months. She leaves to mourn her death her husband, A. P. Scrtichfield, two children Lois and Vernon, her mother Mrs. Mary Cree, five sisters and two brothers.

When a girl Mrs. Scritchfield joined the Methodist Church. She was an untiring worker in the Sunday School and all church activities.

She was a devoted wife and mother, as well as a loving daughter; she found great joy in serving and helping her sisters and brothers.

She was always generous with her strength and ability, and was interested in all good work in whatever community she lived. She was president of the Payette Portia Club at one time.

Mrs. Scrtichfield was a member of the P. E. O. Sisterhood and loved it very much.

It may truly be said of her that, "She has done all she could."