Frederick William Senkbeil

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 10, 1927


Fatally Hurt While Hunting On An Island In The Snake River

Frederick William Senkbeil, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Senkbeil of this city, and a senior in the Payette high school, was fatally wounded while hunting on an island in the Snake river, north of town about 1 o'clock P. M. Saturday.

Frederick, in company with Ralph Ingalls and Glenn Leigh, had been on the island and they were leaving for home. The other boys were in the boat and when Fred started to push in from the shore the shotgun, which was lying in the bottom of the boat, discharged and sent the loads from both barrels into his left arm, shattering the bone to splinters and tearing the flesh terribly. The boys who accompanied him hurried to the Idaho side of the river and administered first aid the best they could and started to town.

As the young man was suffering a terrible loss of blood a passing car was hailed and he was hurried to the office of Dr. J. C. Woodward who had him taken to the Ontario hospital where he died at 1 o'clock Sunday morning from the loss of blood.

Funeral services were held at the Home Undertaking Parlors Tuesday afternoon and the sermon was preached by Rev. Ashworth. The members of the senior class attended in a body. Interment took place at Riverside.