Jacob Sherer
Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 28, 1915
Jacob Sherer was born at Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 25, 1857, and died Oct. 19, 1915, age 57 years, 11 month, 24 days. When he was three years old his father moved from Dayton, Ohio, to Edgar county, Illinois, where he resided until he was 21 years of age. From there he moved to Aurora, Nebraska. February 12th, 1881, he was married to Rhoda A. Evans. Unto this union ten children were born, four girls and six boys, all of whom are living. Mr. Sherer moved from Aurora to Wood River, where he resided for eighteen years. He was a charter member of the Modern Woodmen of America Lodge in Wood River. He moved to Fruitland, Idaho, five years ago, where he resided until his death.
Funeral services were conducted at the home, Saturday afternoon by Benj. Smith of the Christian Church, of Payette.
Payette Independent (Thursday, October 21, 1915)
Jacob Shearer, sixty years old, died at his home, one mile east of Fruitland, Tuesday evening at six o'clock, with bronchial pneumonia. He has been a sufferer with asthma for years but even his family and closest neighbors did not realize his serious illness and his death came as a surprise. He, with his family, came here about five years ago. He leaves a wife and ten children, four girls and six boys, four of them living at home, one of them being away at Jimmerson, Ore., at the time of death, one living at Ferdinand, Idaho, four children living in Nebraska, and one in Minnesota. All of those away have been notified of his death. Funeral arrangements have not been made but he will probably be buried in the Payette cemetery.
Fruitland Banner (Friday, October 22, 1915)
Jacob Shearer Dies
Jacob Shearer died at his home one mile east of Fruitland, last Tuesday evening from bronchial pneumonia. Mr. Shearer had been a sufferer with asthma for a number of years, but his family did not realize his illness was serious and his death was a blow to the family. Deceased leaves a wife and ten children to mourn his loss.
The funeral services will be held at the home tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock, Rev. Benjamin Smith, of the Christian church, at Payette, officiating.
Fruitland Banner (Friday, October 29, 1915)
Card of Thanks
We wish to sincerely thanks the friends and neighbors who so kindly tendered their services and sympathy during our sad bereavement occasioned by the death of a husband and father. Mrs. Rhonda Sherer and Children