Alden Rose Sherwood
Payette Independent
Friday, December 11, 1908
Mayor Coughanour Orders Investigation and City Physicians Make Report - County Physician also Investigates and Says He Will Recommend That County Attorney Prosecute Those Responsible.
Alden Rose Sherwood, the five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sherwood, died Wednesday morning of diphtheria amidst circumstances which are being investigated by the county officials and which may lead to criminal prosecution.
The parents of the boy ahere to the Christian Science faith and when, four days before his death, the little fellow became ill healers of the church were consulted and called in to wait upon him. Principal among these was Mrs. Sedenia Dunford of Boise, against whom grave charges will be made if it is found that the Idaho statutes cover such cases. She confesses she knew the child had diphtheria, still she permitted his brother to go to school the day the boy died.
As soon as a report of the death reached Mayor Coughanour he instructed the city physicians, Drs. J. C. and I. R. Woodward, to investigate the case and make a report. They, with Dr. O. H. Avey, held an autopsy over the boy and examined the members of the family and those who waited on him. They were unanimous in their opinion that the child died of diphtheria, and in their report give a complete history of the case.
When the nature of the case was discovered, County Physician W. E. Waldrop of Caldwell was notified. He came to Payette yesterday morning and also made an examination. He informed the Independent that the only point brought out at the examination which is not included in the report of the local physicians is the statement of Mrs. Dunford, which was made in the presence of several, that she was aware of the nature of the disease.
Dr. Waldrop said he intended to lay the reports before the county attorney with the recommendation that he prosecute those responsible for letting the members of the Sherwood family and others pass in and out of the house after the nature of the disease was known, thus giving opportunity to spread it.
Superintendent Turner of the Payette schools first learned of the case yesterday morning. He immediately dismissed the pupils in the eighth grade of which Clark Sherwood is a member and had attended Wednesday, and yesterday the room was thoroughly fumigated. Mr. Turned stated he would have all the rooms of both schools fumigated before schools opens Monday morning. (Riverside Cemetery)
The report of the local physicians follows:
Payette, Idaho, Dec. 9, 1908
To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Payette, Idaho.
We, the undersigned, physicians, Dr. J. C. Woodward, and Dr. I. R. Woodward, city health officers, and Dr. O. H. Avey, who were requested by the mayor to perform an autopsy upon the body of Alden Rose Sherwood, who died this morning, and to ascertain if possible, the cause of death, beg to report our findings as follows:
We first took the statement of Mrs. W. F. Sherwood, Mrs. Lena Rose, of Payette, and of Mrs. Sedenia Dunford, of Boise, Christian Science healers, in the presence of W. F. Sherwood, father of deceased, A. W. Conover, undertaker, who stated the facts in the case to be as follows:
Alden Rose Sherwood, male, aged five years, six months was taken with a sore throat on Thursday, December 3, 1908. He began to vomit about 2 or 3 p.m. on Friday, December 4, 1908. During this time he had no fever, but complained of pain in the stomach through the night. He took milk Friday night and seemed better Saturday. During the day he ate an egg and some meat, seemed to swallow perfectly, had no vomiting and no fever. What seemed to be a beginning cold was noticed, however, and there was a bad discharge from the nose all day. During Saturday night the child was compelled to breath through the mouth and did so with a snoring intonation. At this time we inspected the mouth and throat. The throat and tonsils were not swollen and no sports were apparent but the child talked tickly and with difficulty, the nose was running and the breathing was difficult.
On Sunday the child seemed to be all right and was around the house and wanted to go to church. Sunday night the child was breathing hard and was treated at 11 p.m. by Mrs. Dedenia Dunford, a Christian Science healer in Boise. Presumably this treatment was given by telephone. The child rested easily thereafter and was better until 10 p. m. Monday night when a croupy cough and spasms of difficult breathing occurred. This continued all night. The child seemed better Tuesday and went out doors with Mr. Sellers at 10 a. m. Fever was present Tuesday afternoon, the pulse was very rapid, and the child was spitting all the time.
Mrs. Sedena Dunford arrived from Boise about 5:30 p. m. Tuesday and found the child dressed and lounging on the floor. It had no fever but had a croupy cough and perspiration, continued all night, but apparently the child had no fever. Toward Wednesday morning the cough tightened and the breathing became more difficult. The child rested quietly in bed.
Gradual heart failure occurred and the child died about 9 a. m. Wednesday, December 9, 1908.
Result of autopsy upon the body of Alden Rose Sherwood, male, aged five years six months at about 5 p. m. Wednesday, December 9, 1908.
External appearance of body normal. Post-mortem rigidity present and well marked. Child had apparently been dead about eight hours. Upon examination the heart was found to be normal. The lungs were likewise found to be normal and portions of the lung tissue orepitated and floated on water. Careful examination of the trachea and larynx disclosed the presence of a thick grayish membrane nearly or quite occluding the canal.
It is our unanimous opinion that the child died of laryngeal diphtheria.
Respectfully submitted, J. C. Woodward, M. D., O. H. Avey, M. D. and I.R. Woodward, M. D.