The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 24, 1931
Cecil Sherwood Dies Suddenly Monday
The sudden death of Cecil Sherwood, youngest son of Mrs. W. F. Sherwood, was a shock to the entire community when it was learned Monday that he had passed away at his home at 2:30 p.m.
He seemed to be in the best of health only a few days ago, however, was taken sick Saturday but seemed better Monday morning, so got up and dressed. He took a sudden turn for the worse about noon and passed away at 2:30.
Cecil Sherwood was a student at the Payette high school and played on the football squad during the 1931 season. He had many friends among the younger set, by whom he will be greatly missed.
The funeral services will be held at the Landon Undertaking parlors at 2:00 o'clock on Thursday.