The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 12, 1925
William Sill was killed by a truck on February 24, at Los Angeles. The body was brought to Payette, and interment made in Riverside Cemetery, Rev. V. E. Hall officiating. Mr. Sill who was about 35 years of age at the time of his death, was for five years an employee of the Telephone Company in Los Angeles. He leaves a widow to mourn her loss. Mrs. Sill, who is at present in Payette, is a sister of Henry Weidner. Her sudden bereavement brings her the sympathy of the whole community.
Card of Thanks
We wish to epress our appreciation of the friendship shown us at the time of the death of our loved one, W. R. Sill. Mrs. Lucille Sill, Mrs. N. E. Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weidner and family