Hans Solterbeck

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 07, 1931

Hans Solterbeck Dies Following Operation In Ontario Hospital

Hans Solterbeck recently from Germany, and nephew of Henry and H. B. Solterbeck, of Washoe, died Wednesday, May 6th. Death followed an operation for removal of a ruptured appendix in which little hope was held for his recovery from the attending physicians.

Mr. Solterbeck came here from Germany about a year ago, and has been farming on a ranch belonging to his uncle Henry Solterbeck. He was rushed to the hospital after taking severely ill and upon making the incision was found to be almost a hopeless case.

Present plans for the funeral are that it will be held from St. John's Evangelical church at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) afternoon.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, May 14, 1931)


We wish to thank our many friends for their kind consideration and expressions of sympathy shown following the death of Hans W. Solterbeck. The flowers were especially appreciated.

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