The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 19, 1931
John W. Springstun was born near Grandview, Spencer county, Indiana, February 17, 1852, and died at Seattle, Washington, March 12, 1931, at the age of 79 years, 23 days.
On December 31, 1873 he was married to Medora J. Conrod at Leavenworth, Indiana. To this union were born three children, W.E. Springstun of Seattle; J. B. Springstun who died at Taft, Calif., August 8, 1918 and C. C. Springstun of this city.
Mr. Mrs. Springstun lived on a ranch north of Payette from 1908 to 1919, moving to California and from there to Seattle where they have lived for the past three years.
Funeral services were held in the Christian church at 2:30 in charge of Rev. Mrs. Boem with burial in Riverside cemetery.