The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 06, 1925
Charles Wilburn Stewart was born at Hindsboro, Illinois, January 12, 1888, and passed away at St. Lukes Hospital in Boise last Tuesday, July 28, 1925. When three years old, he moved with his parents to southern Illinois, where he lived until 1904, when he went to Underwood N. D. He was marred to Miss America Bartle at Scottsburg, Indiana, January 10, 1910. To this union one daughter, Marie Irene, was born. They lived in Underwood seven years, then moved to McLoughlin S. D., where they lived until coming to Fruitland, May 19, 1920. Besides his wife, and daughter Mr. Stewart leaves his father Oscar Stewart, of Underwood N. D., and 3 brothers, Lawrence Stewart, of Underwood, Dr. Cecil Stewart of Garrison, North Dakota, and Dr. Archie Stewart, of Juneau, Alaska, and one step brother, Ben Richie, of Fruitland. His mother passed away in 1903. The father and brothers were present at the funeral. Mr. Stewart was a member of the Fruitland M. E. church and was a very active worker. He was also a member of the school board. He was a man of sterling character and had a host of friends who with his wife and daughter, mourn his loss. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved ones.