The Independent Enterprise
Thursday, April 19, 1928
Katherine Carico was born January 30, 1853, at Monarat, Virginia, where she lived until 9 years ago, when she moved with her parents to Coal Creek, Virginia, where she lived all her life until April 21, 1926, when she came to Idaho. She was the oldest daughter of William G. and Permia Carico.
On October 31, 1878 she was united in Marriage to Jonathan C. Stoneman, of Gambetta, Virginia. To this union were born 7 children, three of which have passed to the great beyond.
In 1868 she was converted and joined the Methodist church at Glenwood, Virginia. She was a consistent member ever ready to do what she could for the betterment of the church.
She passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Gladish, Saturday morning, April 14, at 10:30 following a three months illness of heart trouble and dropsy. Most of the two years she and her husband spent in this country, were with Mrs. Gladish, about six months being spent near Ontario. She had been with Mrs. Gladish all during her illness. Death came quite suddenly as the past few weeks she had been improving, but on Thursday she became worse.
Besides her husband, J. E. Stoneman and her daughter Mrs. Gladish, she leaves to mourn her loss, two other daughters, Mrs. Lee Warrington, of Bishee, Arizona, and Mrs. G. W. Brannock, of Payette, one son, John H. Stoneman, of Ontario, Oregon, twelve grand children and a host of friends.
Funeral services were held from the Baptist church in Fruitland, Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. F. P. Petit, assisted by the Rev. Vernon Hall, of the Methodist church in Payette. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.
The many friends of the bereaved ones extend their heartfelt sympathy to them at this time.