Harold Terwilliger

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 05, 1927


Lew Felcher received a telegram Wednesday from T. W. Terwiliger stating that his son, Harold, had passed away that morning at his home in Portland, of septicemia resulting from a tonsil operation.

Word was received by Mr. and Mrs. Terwiliger Friday evening that Harold was in a dangerous condition, and Lew Felcher drove them through to Portland, leaving here at 7:15 that night and reaching Portland at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, being with him in his last hours.

The telegram announced that the body will be brought here for burial and that the funeral services will be held at the Landon Undertaking Parlors Sunday afternoon, the hour not yet having been set. The services will be conducted by the Christian Science church.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, May 12, 1927)

Harold Terwilliger was born near Lansing, Michigan, November 15, 1896. At the age of five years he moved with his parents to Weiser, Idaho, where he received his education in the Weiser schools, and grew to manhood. He was married to Lillian Mussel, of Caldwell, in 1915, and one child, a son, was born to them.

In 1918 he moved with his family to Portland, Oregon, where they have resided ever since, with the exception of about six months spent in Payette last summer. His death, which occurred in Portland, was mentioned in last weeks issue of the Independent.

Services were held in Portland Wednesday morning, May 4, at the Miller & Tracy chapel. the musicians of the city had charge of the music, which consisted of a string quartette which gave Hayden's Serenade, Mozart auver und and Handel's Sargo. Soloists from two leading theatres sang a hymn, "Lead Kindly Light," and "Old Pal." Selections from the bible and from the Christian Science Text book were read by Mr. William J. Alsop, a member of the Christian Science church of Portland. The honorary pall bearers were members of the Drummer's Club.

The body was brought to Payette last Saturday and funeral services were held at the Landon Undertaking Parlors Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, under the auspices of the Christian Science church. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery. The funeral was largely attended and the floral offerings and outpouring of friends testified to the esteem in which Harold was held by his Payette friends.

He leaves to mourn his loss his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Terwilliger, of Payette, his widow, Mrs. Lillian Terwilliger, and his son, Darrell, of Portland. He was a fine musician and a young man of pleasing personality whose death comes as a severe blow to his loved ones.


We wish to extend our sincere thanks for the many beautiful floral offerings, and sympathy extended us during the recent illness and death of our beloved husand and son, Harold. Mrs. Lillian Terwilliger, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Terwilliger