Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 08, 1916
Mrs. Harriett Urenn, aged 87 years, died at the home of her son and daughter, Mr. William Urenn and Mrs. M. E. Hulley in this city at 8 o'clock Monday morning, after a lingering illness covering the past eight months. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon from St. James' Episcopal church, Rev. Thomas Ashworth officiating.
Mrs. Urenn was born in England, coming to this country with William Urenn, her husband, more than 60 years ago. They first settled in Wisconsin. She joined her husband who went to California in 1849, three years later, and they resided there and in Nevada, where Mr. Urenn died in 1870, since which time she had made her home with her son and daughter, with whom she came to Payette some ten years ago.
Mrs. Urenn was a Christian woman of noble character who was greatly beloved and will be sadly missed by those who were near to her by the time of kinship and in fact by all who had come to know her well.
NOTE: According to the Idaho Death Index Harriet Uren was born 3-10-1829 and died 6-6-1916. (ch)