Mary Ruth Davis VanDerKar
The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 20, 1926
Mary Ruth Davis Van Der Kar was born March 21, 1887, at Cannonsville New York. She passed away at her home in Fruitland at 5:40 Sunday morning, May 16, 1926, at the age of 39 years one month and 25 days. Death was due to flu and pneumonia following. On October 11, 1911, she was married to Paul N. Van Der Kar at Keisey, New York. They came to Fruitland shortly afterward to their apple ranch west of Fruitland. To them were born three children, Jean aged 13, Franklin, aged 12, and Roger, aged 10. Mr. Van Der Kar passed away October 20, 1916. Her mother, who came to be with her after his death, passed away at the Holy Rosary hospital in 1920. Mrs. Van Der Kar began teaching in the Fruitland school 8 years ago and has taught the second grade every year since that time until two weeks ago when she was compelled to give up her work because of her illness. In the capacity of teacher, she has endeared herself to the hearts of every child and their parents in the community. Besides her children others who survive her are her father, J. S. Davis and a brother, Charles of Cannonsville, New York; a sister, Mrs. J. Peeler of Binghampton, New York; a sister, Mrs. Andrew Tureey, and a brother, Sydney of Albany, New York; two sisters, Mrs. Helen Troxell and Miss Lois Davis of Portland, and two brothers, Keith and Anson of Fruitland. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment made in Riverside cemetery. Mrs. Van Der Kar will be greatly missed around Fruitland, as her cheery smile and kindly word made many warm friends for her. She was always thinking of others, and trying to do some good for them. She took an active part in all church work and everything that was uplifting to the community. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved ones.
Payette Enterprise (Thursday, May 20, 1926)
Mary Ruth Davis Van Der Kar was born March 21, 1887, at Cannonsville, New York. She passed away at her home in Fruitland, Idaho, at 5:40 Sunday morning, May 16, 1926, at the age of 39 years, 1 month and 25 days. Death was due to flu and pneumonia following. On October 11, 1911, she was married to Paul Van Der Kar at Kelsey, New York. They came to Fruitland immediately after, to the new bungalow already prepared on their fruit ranch, just west of Fruitland. Here they began their home life together. To them was born three children, Jean Davis aged 13, Franklin Alcott aged 12, and Roger Sherman aged 10 year, all of whom survive her. Mr. Van Der Kar passed away Oct. 20, 1916 death being due to pneumonia. Her mother, who came from New York, shortly after his death passed away at the Ontario hospital in 1920, also from pneumonia. Mrs. Van Der Kar has taught in the second grade of the Fruitland schools for the past 8 years and in that position has endeared herself to the hearts of every youngster and their parents in the community. Two weeks ago she was compelled to give up her school work because of the serious illness which caused her death. Those who survive her besides her children are, her father, J. S. Davis, a brother Charles Davis of Cannonscille, New York, a sister Mrs. J. Peeler of Binghampton, New York, a sister Mrs. Andrew Tureey, Albany, New York, a brother Sydney of Albany, New York, two sisters Mrs. Helen D. Troxell and Miss Lois Davis of Portland and two brothers Anson and Keith Davis, both of Fruitland, besides a host of friends.
In losing Mrs. Van Der Kar, Fruitland has lost one of its best citizens. She was always thinking and trying to do for others, never sparing herself in any way. She took an active part in Church, Sunday School and school work, and everything that was uplifting to the community.
Funeral services were held from the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at ? o'clock and interment was made in Riverside cemetery. The many beautiful flowers spoke for the high esteem in which she was held.
The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved ones.