The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 08, 1925
Sarah Winner was born in Ohio on March 27, 1850 and passed away at her home in Payette on October 5, 1925, death being caused by a complication of diseases. She was married in 1865 to Ellis Smith. Of this union three sons were born, two of whom survive their mother.
Mrs. Smith who was left a widow in 1885, moved to Colorado soon after the death of her husband, coming to Payette in 1905. In 1905 she married William Van Duesen, and was again left a widow in 1910. Since then she has lived in Payette, making for herself many warm friends who will miss her presence from among their midst. Her granddaughter, Mrs. Howard Davis, of Emmett, was with her at the time of her death.
Funeral services were held at the Church of God on Sunday afternoon, and were conducted by the Rev. Virgil Snow. Beautiful flowers and tender sympathetic music testified to the place that Mrs. Van Doozer held in the hearts of her friends. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.
Our kind and gracious friends and neighbors have our hearty and sincere thanks for their many acts of tenderness during the illness of our beloved grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Van Duesen. Your acts of kindness will never be forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis