Amy Francis Van Valkenburg

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 13, 1922


The hearts of the people of this community were saddened when the sudden and unexpected death of little Amy Francis Van Valkenbert, the eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Van Valkenberg was made known. The child passed away at her home at an early hour Wednesday morning. An obituary will be published next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, April 20, 1922)


Amy Francis Van Valkenburg was born at John Day, Oregon, September 18th, 1913, and passed away at her home in Payette, April 12th, 1922. She came with her parents to Payette in 1916. Her departure from this life at the tender age of eight years brought the keenest of sadness to the hearts of many. She was exceptionally bright in her school work in the third grade, and also as a faithful attendant in her Sunday school class. As a sweet and lovable child she will ever be remembered.

She is survived to mourn her passing by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Van Valkenburg and two younger sisters. Funeral services were held Friday morning from the home, conducted by Mrs. A. B. Moss Jr., of the Christian Science Church. The pallbearers who laid the little body to rest in Riverside cemetery were La Dona Swank and Ruth Cartwright.

The sympathy of the entire community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Van Valkenburg in their sad bereavement. Mr. D. B. Staiter, father of Mrs. Van Valkenburg of Hepner, Oregon, came to be present at the funeral.