Alexander Wells

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 08, 1914


Alexander Wells, aged 86, 7 months and 27 days, died at his home in Payette Oct., 2d, 1914. Mr. Wells for the past fifteen years had been one of the most respected and honored citizens of the town. He has been successful in a business way and has added much to the development of the town and community. No doubt his life has counted for most in the moral and religious fields. He upheld a high standard of life. Any injustice to himself or to another filled him with a righteous indignation and he was ready at once to oppose such injustice. That he believed to be right he was anxious to defend with all his might. What he believed to be wrong he launched against it with equal zeal. Among the worthy principles which he advocated were, the deeper observance of the Lord's Day, temperance, clean speech and pure social relations. He was especially interested in the church, for him the Kingdom of God was a matter of supreme importance. As a member of the Church of Christ in this place he was regular in attendance, loyal in its support and conspicuities in its service. He held the position of Elder for many years during which time he carefully endeavored to discharge such duties as were his. Often he has admonished the erring in that kind Christian Spirit which characterizes a true shepherd of the Lord. He adored no compromise with the world and worldly things but prayed and worked that the Church should be without spot and without blemish. At times he has sacrificed his own personal interests for the good of Church. He was well versed in the Sacred Scriptures and frequently in the absence of his pastor he filled the pulpit with edification and profit to all. His mind was remarkably clear, even in his last year he discussed accurately the problems of life and religion. He had a rare sense of clean wholesome wit and humor. His presence at any social gathering was a sure indication of good cheer. His after-dinner talks were always enjoyable. His cheerfulness and hopefulness together with his splendid habitsof life account in part for his long life. His moral influence will be missed in the community, his spiritual strength will be miss in the church and his genial presence will be missed most in the home.