Ira White

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 10, 1931

Ira White Called by Death

Ira White, a long-time resident of this section of the country, quietly passed away at his home Wednesday morning, December 9th, at 4:30 o'clock.

Mr. White has been sick with pneumonia for the past week, but seemed to be getting along as well as could be expected. Attending physician contributed his death to heart failure.

Funeral arrangements have not been made, pending the arrival of a daughter of the deceased from Arizona. An obituary will be published next week.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, December 17, 1931)


Ira White was born in Scioto County, Ohio, March 13, 1854 and died at his home in Payette, December 9, 1931, aged 77 years, 8 months and 26 days.

In infancy he went with his parents to Washington County, Iowa, when he grew to manhood.

In April 1876, Mr. White married Miss Phoebe C. Huffman, whom he had known from childhood, their parents having been neighboring pioneer settlers. To this union were born three children; one son, R. T. C. White, who died December 10, 1894 at the age of 13 years, and 2 daughters, Pearl and Gail. In 1878 he and his young wife traveled in a covered wagon to Guthrie County, Iowa, where they again established a home.

After completing a business college course at Keokuk, Iowa, he was later graduated from a course in pharmacy in 1892.

In February 1909, he and his family moved to Idaho. Since that time he has resided in Weiser, Fruitland and Payette, with the exception of 2 years which were spent in Eugene, Oregon.

At an early age Mr. White united with the Church of Christ. Mr. White has served as elder in the church for 14 years.

He was loved by all who really knew him. He was known as having been a wonderful father and husband, in every way, kind, gentle, unselfish and loving -- an immeasurable loss in his home. A great and good man has fallen and will be missed in the community where he has been an honorable example of citizenship and loyal friend and Christian gentleman.

Mr. White leaves his widow, two children; Mrs. J. D. Baker of Payette, and Mrs. A. F. Kinnison of Tuscon, Arizona; three grandchildren, Mrs. Mildred Mangum of Payette, Olive Kinnison of Tuscon, Arizona and Bernard Baer of Payette; and one great grand child, Master Teddy Mangum of Payette. Funeral services were held Sunday December 12 at 2:30 p. m. from Landon's funeral chapel, Rev. J. Raymond Fite, officiating. Interment was in the Riverside cemetery.

We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral offerings, words of sympathy and acts of kindness during our recent bereavement.

Mrs. Ira White, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Kinnison, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mangum and Bernard Baker.

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