The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 20, 1929
Clarence P. Winn was born in Vernon County, Wisconsin, March 18, 1869. He died at Boise, Idaho, June 12, 1929. He leaves to mourn his passing, a wife and five children. Mrs. Ila Horn of Boise, Idaho; Kenneth, Lyle, Ralph and Carl, of Everett, Washington, and two grand children. Mr. Winn and family are well known here, as was evidenced by the large number of their friends attending the funeral, and by the many beautiful floral offerings.
The deceased was a kind husband and father, a good neighbor and a highly respected citizen. He was a member of the Modern Woodman, which order conducted the ceremony at the grave. The services were held at the Peterson Parlors - Rev. N. H. Farnham preached a brief sermon from the text, "Come see Where The Lord Lay."
The family have the loving sympathy of their many friends.