New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 7, 1916
Samuel Yost Dies
Samuel Yost died at his home one mile north of Fruitland Thursday at the age of 51 years. His death was brought about by complications following a severe case os grippe. He leaves a wife and six children, the oldest Richard 15 years old, Maud, Robert, Frank and Ray and a year old baby daughter also two brothers. Funeral services were held at the M.E. church, Payette, Saturday.
Payette Enterprise (Thursday, December 07, 1916)
Sullivan S. Yost, was born in Iowa in 1866, and died at his home near Fruitland, Thursday night after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Yost was married to Miss Dora Meyers, Dec. 27, 1899 and to this union were born six children, Richard, Maude, Robert, Frank, Ray and Mildred. Besides his wife and children, he leaves a mother, two brothers, one, Rev. Yost, a Methodist minister at Fairmont, Iowa, and a sister. Rev. C. L. Walker of the Methodist church and Rev. Wampler of the Brethren church, conducted the funeral services in the Payette Methodist church Saturday afternoon. Mr. Yost was converted and baptized shortly before his death. Interment was made in Payette cemetery.
Fruitland Banner (Friday, December 08, 1916)
Fruitland Man Dies
Samuel Yost died at his home one mile north of Fruitland Thursday at the age of 51 years. His death was brought about by complications following a severe case of grippe. He leaves a wife and six children, the oldest Richard 15 years old, Maud, Robert, Frank and Ray and a year old baby daughter also two brothers. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church, Payette, Saturday.