Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 01, 1921
On Sunday afternoon the community was immeasururably shocked and grieved to learn of the sudden death of Mark Young, only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Young. Acute heart failure was the immediate cause of untimely death, which occurred at three o'clock on Sunday, after an illness of but a few days.
Henry Marquis Young, was born at Berwich, North Dakota, on April 15th, 1907. He lived in North Dakota, until two years of age, when he came with his parents to Payette, where he has since made his home. He was a member of the Freshman Class of the Payette High School.
Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon, from the Methodist church by the Rev. Clyde Walker, assisted by the Rev. Argyl Houser. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.
Mr. Young's mother and brother, arrived from Ogden, Utah, in time to attend the funeral.
"Mark" Young was a boy, justly popular among his schoolmates, and with the older men and women with whom he came in contact who were won by his never failing gentle courtesy. He was a boy of whom it may be truthfully said that he never gave his parents a moments anxiety. A great reader, a great, "home boy", and a cheerful worker, those three qualities in him make his going a terrible blow to those nearest and dearest to him and a cause of sorrow to his many friends.
He leaves to mourn their loss, his parents and little sister Mildred, besides numerous other relatives. The hearts of all the fathers and mothers in Payette go out to Mr. and Mrs. Young in their bereavement.
The Enterprise extends to the bereaved family its deepest sympathy.