Payette Independent
Thursday, May 03, 1923
Levi Edward Young was born at Oak Hill, Pennsylvania, August 24, 1848, and departed this life at Payette, Idaho, April 30, 1923, from a complication of ailments, from which he had been suffering for the past six weeks. at the age of 9 years he drove mules on the Erie Canal at one dollar per month wages.
With President Lincoln's third call for volunteers he enlisted in the 29th Pennsylvania Infantry, served to the close of the war and was with Sherman in his celebrated March to the Sea. He was wounded in an engagement near Savannah, and was confined in a hospital there until his convalescence. He then went to Washington, D. C., with 80,000 other soldiers at the Grand Review, where he received an honorable discharge.
He returned home for a short time when he was taken with the Western fever and set out for Missouri and Kansas, the then western Frontier. In the early spring of 1873, he started for Astoria, Oregon, with a train of 320 wagons. After arriving at Falk's Store he decided to stop there and went to work for Peter Pence and Henry Erwin on a stock ranch, shortly after he arrived on June 29th. Falk's Store at that time was outside of Boise and Idaho City, was one of the largest settlements in southern Idaho, and indians troubled the settlers somewhat. In 1890, he filed on a homestead in North Payette. On March 6, 1890, he was married to Christine Asm??? To this union three children were born as follows: August E., Lydia May Welch, and Eddie C., who besides the widow, survive him.
In 1920, Mr. Young and wife moved to Payette, where they have since resided.
The Independent considered Lee Young one of the best citizens Payette county and the state of Idaho ever had. He was honorable and square to the last cent; he was a good husband, father, and his neighbors all bear testimony to his sterling qualities in this respect. We considered him one of our best friends, and we mourn with relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held in Payette on Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. m., conducted by Rev. Knight of New Plymouth, with the Oddfellows and G. A. R. officiating at the grave. Interment in Riverside cemetery.