Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 31, 1919
The funeral of Mrs. Julia Ann Zahller occurred Tuesday afternoon the ceremony being at Lauer Bros. Undertaking parlors and the interment being at the local cemetery, Rev. Wallis officiating.
The deceased was born in Ashland County, Ohio in 1847. In 1856 she moved to the state of Illinois and in 1868 was married to Mr. Zahller.
In 1908 these people moved to Idaho which has been their home since that time. Last year they went to visit a son who lives near Portland and it was there that the death of Mrs. Zahller occurred.
The two daughters have preceded her; the husband and three sons survive.
This family has won the highest respect of all who knew them and we desire to extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved.
Mrs. Zahller was of a bright and kindly disposition and of a sympathetic nature. After her own children became grown she sought to exert motherly influences upon other peoples children. Her chief virtue was in being a home maker. When she was called it was a call to a better home - a home eternal in the heavens.
"That unchangeable home is for you and for me.
Where Jesus of Nazareth stands;
The king of all kingdoms forever is He,
And He holdeth our crowns in his hands."