Payette County
Lookup Volunteers

Welcome to the Payette County, Idaho GenWeb

Do you have access to records for the Payette County area?

We need you! If you would like to be a Lookup Volunteer contact the Payette County Coordinator

To request a lookup, send a message to a volunteer listed below. Be sure to mention the name of the resource or book in your message.
Please limit your request to one subject or name for each request. "Tell me everything about the Taylors" is probably too broad.
Researchers should not ask, nor may lookup volunteers offer, to violate copyright laws in responding to requests for lookups in any copyrighted material.

We encourage you to visit the US GenWeb Copyright Information Page before you request or volunteer to do lookups.
This page has important information about copyright laws as they apply to the USGenWeb project.

USGenWeb Volunteers Copyright Information Page

Thank You To Our Volunteers!!!

Please don't ask more than one person for the same request.
Requests are for genealogical research only.
We can not do lookups regarding "living" people.

Resources Volunteer Contact
Headstone Photos from Local Cemeteries
Please don't request the same photos from more than one person
Obituary Lookups
Please don't request the same obituaries from more than one person

Other Helpful Resources

Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness Cyndi's List of Lookup Services Genealogy Helplist Genealogy Helplist Idaho Books We Own - Lookup Service

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