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Payette County Queries
and Mailing List

Welcome to the Payette County, Idaho GenWeb

Queries help you get answers to questions about your research and find others who are interested in the same areas of research. If you post your question here, other researchers can read them and will be able to make contact with you. These queries must be about someone who lived in or has a tie to Payette County, Idaho.

Messages and Queries

Messages and Queries
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Mailing Lists

Mailing Lists

"A mailing list is a way of forwarding messages to others who are interested in the same genealogical research as you. You send your message to the list and it is sent to everyone who has subscribed to that list. And everything that anyone else sends to the list will be sent to you. It is a great way to find others who are researching in the same area or are researching the same surname. A mail list does not have an address that you can go to. It only forwards email messages."  Rootsweb

USGenWeb Mailing Lists
A great way to correspond with other researchers in Payette County, get answers to questions and share information.
What is a mailing list?...Find out more at......RootsWeb

To Browse the Payette County Mailing List Archives click   BROWSE

To Search the Payette County Mailing LIst Arhives click   SEARCH

To Subscribe to the Payette County Mailing List send an email to
with the single word "subscribe" in the message subject and body

To Unsubscribe to the Payette County Mailing List send an email to
with the single word "unsubscribe" in the message subject and body

For more information, if you have any trouble or to unsubscribe contact the list administrator at

Just click " Post A Message or Query" and fill out the form. You will reach a large number of researchers
and your query will also be sent to everyone on the Payette County Mailing List

If you have any questions or comments concerning the Payette County IDGenWeb contact the County Coordinator at

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