VOL. 1, Nos. 1- 47 | |
Court Order in Payette Co, ID Filed 12 Sep 1930 |
Name | Page |
ASHWORTH, Thomas | 3 |
AUBERMANN, Peter | 18 |
CAMPO, Eugene A. | 2 |
CARLSON, Albert | 7 |
CASBERG, Hermine Louise | 41 |
CASBERG, Johanna | 26 |
CROCKFORD, William Frederick | 35 |
CULLER, Melvin | 25 |
DAVIS, Guss, (Gustois SIMETGOYLER) | 21 |
DEN BOER, Jan Maarten | 1 |
DIEDRICKSEN, John | 12 |
DUELL, Herbert E. | 4 |
GISSEL, Soren | 9 |
GRISCHKOWSKY, Louie | 29 |
HARRIS, Wallace M.P. | 8 |
HENDY, Joseph Henry | 16 |
HOLMAN, Clara | 45 |
HOLMAN, Rosa Ellenor | 46 |
KLAESON, Herman | 32 |
KOSESAN, Nick | 22 |
KUSMAN, John | 27 |
LUHR, Henry | 10 |
MARCUSSEN, Jacob | 39 |
MARKCUSSEN, Willy Christian | 40 |
MAYER, Frank | 43 |
MAYER, Fred | 44 |
McCARTHY, Charles Edward | 19 |
MORGAN, Charles Norton | 6 |
MOSS, Daisey Bidmead | 37 |
NEILSON, Willy | 33 |
OLIVER, Francis Noble | 17 |
OTTER, Frederick William | 15 |
PAULSEN, Theodore Bertram John | 5 |
POTTER, John Van | 13 |
RONFIELD, Henry | 36 |
SCHICHTEL, Micheal Felix | 28 |
SCHLETH, Elsa Doretha | 34 |
SCHULYER, Aloys Charles | 42 |
SERDOC, Josep | 38 |
SHERARD, William A. | 47 |
SPECHT, Clemens | 24 |
SPECHT, Frank | 23 |
SPECHT, Lawrentz | 30 |
WALLER, Lewis | 14 |
WIGCHERT, Albertus Engelmudus | 20 |
WILLIAMS, John Thomas | 11 |
WRIGHT, Ethel Lillian | 31 |
Along with the record of names the Judge entered an order which reads in part:
Now therefore be it ordered, adjudged and decreed, the Naturalization jurisdiction which this court has heretofore exercised throughout the Seventh Judicial District, be relinquished, and It appearing to the court that there is very Little Naturalization business transacted in any county within this Judicial district and it further appearing that the US District Court at Boise, ID. has concurrent jurisdiction with this court for the naturalization of Aliens residing within this Judicial District and it further appearing to the court that the retention of naturalization Jurisdiction by this court imposes on the various clerks of this Judicial District a burden of work in rendering reports and keeping naturalization records which is not warranted by the amount of work done by the said court. Also ordered: A copy hereof be entered in the Journal of this court in the counties of Washington, Canyon, Payette, Gem, Adams, and Valley, the same being counties embraced by this judical district. After this order was entered in the Seventh Judicial District Court Records, proceedings were moved to the US District Court at Boise, but it appears that the listed individuals were naturalized before the foregoing order was entered.