A |
ABCompany | 2 |
Abe | 50 |
Academy | 62 |
Ackerman, Albert | 60 |
Ackerman, Anna A | 76 |
Ackerman, Arnold | 68 |
Ackerman, Ben | 41 |
Ackerman, Bernal | 56 |
Ackerman, Don | 79 |
Ackerman, George | 42, 88 |
Ackerman, John | 41, 42, 59 |
Ackerman, Marie | 33 |
Ackerman, Theresia | 76 |
Ackerman, Wilma | 80 |
Ackerman & Hanigan | 42 |
Ada County | 17, 103 |
Adair, Mr | 41 |
Adams County | 24 |
Adams, Robert | 62 |
Agricultural College | 43 |
Albert, George | 74 |
Albert, Peter | 74 |
Albert, Wayne | 79 |
Alexander, Governor Moses | 17 |
Alfalfa | 22, 120 |
Allender, Rev | 14 |
All State | 58 |
Alshire, Judge | 55 |
Alters, Duane | 31, 82, 83 |
Alters, Ray | 31 |
America | 109 |
American Board Of Psychiatry | 48 |
American citizenship | 83 |
American Legion | 69, 78, 88 |
Anderson, G C | 84 |
Anderson, Rev John | 59 |
Angus Cattle | 22 |
Apigian, Joe | 62 |
Applegate | 14, 122 |
Applegate, Alice | 119 |
Applegate, Cemetary | 17, 119, 122 |
Applegate, Delia | 119 |
Applegate, John W | 22, 118, 119 |
Applegate, Mary | 119 |
Applegate, S W | 118, 120 |
Apples | 19 |
Armory | 83 |
Ashby, Elbert | 63 |
Asmussen Bldg | 30, 49 |
Assembly Of God Church | 63 |
Auxiliary | 78 |
Augustus, R W | 34 |
Ayrshire Cattle | 24 |
B |
Babcock, Mr | 34 |
Baby Clinic | 69 |
Bain, C F | 36 |
Bain, R F | 36 |
Baird, J R | 31, 32 |
Baker, Mr | 42 |
Baker City | 121 |
Baker, Oregon | 12, 64, 65, 98, 103, 121 |
Band Boosters Club | 57, 80, 81 |
Bank Check (40.00) | 103 |
Bannocks (Indians) | 13 |
Baptist Church | 51, 58, 64, 73, 111, 118 |
Barker, Clifford | 22, 56, 120 |
Barker, Craten | 58 |
Barker, Darrell | 22 |
Barker George | 5, 22, 119, 121 |
Barker School District | 54 |
Barnard, Lucinda | 76 |
Bartsch, John | 27 |
Baseball | 68 |
Baxter, Joe | 103 |
Beamguard, Frank | 55 |
Bean, H | 105 |
Bear Hunt | 93 |
Becker, Rev F A | 60 |
Bees | 19, 20, 46 |
Belding, Elder M A | 62 |
Bells | 64 |
Bell Telepbone Co | 33 |
Benfield, Louis W | 75 |
Betts, Floyd | 70 |
Beutler, Heber S | 24 |
Bevin, | 22 |
Big Willow | 22, 120 |
Billings, Montana | 117 |
Bingham, | 85 |
Birding Island | 14, 121 |
Bivens, Grandma | 120 |
Bivens, John | 95, 96 |
Black Canyon | 27, 28 |
Black Canyon 4-H | 85 |
Blackfeet | 117 |
Black Hills | 114 |
Blacksmith Shop | 51 |
Blair | 31 |
Blayden, Louie | 75, 102 |
Blom, Rev | 61 |
Bloods | 117 |
Blossum Bar & Pool Room | 34, 39 |
Blue Mountains | 121 |
Bluff Station | 14 |
Boggs, Roy | 82 |
Boise | 12, 32, 39, 44, 47, 49, 55, 60, 64, 78, 79, 83, 87, 88, 98, 100, 103, 110, 121 |
Boise Basin | 11 |
Boise City | 120 |
Boise County | 11 |
Boise Valley | 4, 14, 118 |
Boise Wholesale Drygoods Co | 42 |
Boomer, Mae | 24 |
Boor, George | 33 |
Boots & Shoes | 41 |
Bossen, O E | 17 |
Bothwell, Dr | 12 |
Bowers Hotel | 37 |
Bowler, Rev W H | 61 |
Bowman Ranch | 118 |
Boy Scout Band | 56 |
Boy Scout Troop 85 | 64 , 81 |
Brainard, C E | 25, 26 |
Brainard, E C S | 97 |
Bremerton, Washington | 89 |
Bridtske, Herman | 61 |
Brotherhood Class | 69 |
Browning, Harry | 88 |
Brown Swiss Cattle | 24 |
Budge, Dr | 12 |
Buick cars | 36, 47 |
Burandt, Student | 61 |
Burke, Katie | 31, 76 |
Burke, Walter | 17, 26, 29, 38, 51, 54, 70, 74, 75, 77, 95, 105, 111, 114, 117, 118 |
Burke's Blacksmith Shop | 30, 74, 95 |
Burley | 99, 100 |
Burns, Rev James | 58 |
Burt, Callie | 102 |
Burt, C L | 102 |
Burtch, Rev Ford | 61 |
Butte (Squaw) | 96 |
Buttermilk Slough | 121 |
Buzz Saw School Newspaper | 58 |
C |
Cafeteria Recreation Hall | 82 |
Calahan, Thomas | 11 |
Caldwell | 27, 28, 32, 53, 62, 79 |
Caldwell Sale Ring | 23 |
California | 57, 102 |
Campbell, Charles | 5, 70, 88 |
Campbell, Edna | 88 |
Campbell, Marie | 88 |
Canvas House | 12 |
Canyon County | 17 |
Carlson, Rev C V | 59 |
Carnegie Peace Foundation | 38 |
Carnivals | 67 |
Carpenter, Wes | 79, 122 |
Carter cars | 36 |
Carter, Rev Harvey | 63 |
Castle Morgan Prison | 108 |
Catholic Church | 59 |
Cave, Joseph | 12 |
Cemetary | 38 |
Chadwick, Berl | 56, 87, 88 |
Chadwick, Ed | 56, 68 |
Chadwick, Ms Frankie | 37 |
Chadwick, Harry | 34, 40, 54, 56, 68 |
Chief Joseph | 122 |
Challenge Assn | 24 |
Chalmers Detroit cars | 36 |
Chamber Of Commerce | 78 |
Chautauquas | 68, 106 |
Cheese | 25 |
Cheney, Homer | 46 |
Cherry Festival | 79 |
Chevrolet truck | 39 |
Cheyenne | 117 |
Chicago, Ill | 15, 44, 84 |
Chief Gaul | 113, 115, 117 |
Chillcott, Merlin | 39 |
Chinese | 13 |
Christmas Concert | 57 |
Christmas Party | 76, 80, 118 |
Church, Joe | 83 |
City Hall | 34, 37, 39 |
Civil War | 100, 112 |
Clay Center | 103 |
Clemens, D A | 53, 58 |
Cleveland, Ohio | 50 |
Clipper Flat | 39 |
Cloud, W A | 17, 31 |
Club Pool Hall | 29 |
Coates, Ms | 84 |
Cogglens | 14 |
Cogswell, A C | 36 |
College Of Idaho | 74 |
Collingsworth, Aaron | 78, 79 |
Collingsworth, Harold | 69 |
Colony Company | 16 |
Colorado | 109, 110 |
Columbia River | 14 |
Columbia Sheep | 23 |
Community Club | 77, 78 |
Community Fair | 69 |
Community Hall | 62, 63, 82 |
Compton & Steele Grocery | 95 |
Conger Cafe | 32, 51 |
Congregational Bldg Society | 59 |
Congregational Church | 56, 58, 64, 68, 70, 88, 105, 108, 109 |
Congregationalists | 58 |
Conservative Baptist Church | 64 |
Co-op | 35, 51 |
Co-op Oil Station | 111 |
Cooperative Irrigation Co | 67 |
Corruption Of Supplies | 114, 115, |
Cotton, William | 120 |
Counsil, Chet | 82, 83 |
Court Martial | 114 |
Cove, William | 12 |
Cowles, Hugh | 62 |
Cox, E E | 36, 44, 45, 76 |
Cox, Hallie | 54 |
Cox, Lillian | 76 |
Craig, Rev Don | 63 |
Crawford, Robert | 12 |
Creasey Bldg | 32, |
Creasey, Anna | 42, 76, 77 |
Creasey, Floyd | 41, 74, 75 |
Creasey, Fred | 41, 74 |
Creasey, Hall | 55, 60, 62, 63, 75, 77 |
Creasey, Jim | 41, 51, 76, 105, 106 |
Creasey Store | 105 |
Cross, Frank | 36 |
Crystal Bottom | 121, 122 |
Crystal Springs Stage Station | 95 |
Cub Scouting | 80 |
Cub Scouts | 81 |
Culver, Ben | 68 |
Curley | 118 |
Curtis L W | 88 |
Curtis, S Webster | 88 |
Custer, General | 114, 118 |
Custer's Massacre | 113, 117 |
D |
Dairy Herd Improvement Assn | 24 |
Darnell, Danny | 68 |
Darnell, Glen | 68, 77 |
Darnell, Matilda | 76 |
Darnell, Ross | 68 |
Darrah, H G | 88, 102 |
Dave's Dairy Club | 85 |
Davis, Edna | 54 |
Davis, Dr G E | 49, 80, 83 |
Davis, George | 42, 70, 79 |
Davis, Milan | 46 |
Davis, Virgina | 34 |
Dawson, George | 57 |
Day, E P | 43, 49, 51 |
Day, E W M | 36 |
Day's Real Estate | 51 |
Deal, J D | 24, 25 |
Dee's Barbershop | 53 |
Dentists | 49 |
Denver | 25, 47, 110 |
Department Of Idaho | 89 |
Dewey Place | 101 |
Dillon, H C | 78, 79 |
Dillon, H E | 36 |
Distinguished Flying Cross | 89 |
District Fruit Growers | 19 |
Doctors | 49 |
Dobbs, L W | 67 |
Donaldson, George | 107 |
Dooley, John | 121 |
Dorothy, Charles | 46 |
Dorothy, Gene | 46 |
Dotson, Ed | 55, 56 |
Dotson, Roy | 56 |
Dotson, Tom | 5, 78, 79 |
Drake Drug Store | 45 |
Dr Emma | 48 |
Dr Paul | 48, 88 |
Drinkwine, Earl | 58 |
Drug Store | 51 |
Dry Buck | 101 |
Drysdale, Dr | 49, 88, 95 |
Drysdale, Ruth | 48 |
Drysdale, W T | 36, 43, 47 |
Duborkas | 43 |
Duborkas, Frank | 68 |
Ducan, Don | 62 |
Durham Cattle | 12 |
Duroc swine | 23 |
Dygert, Dr | 49 |
E |
East Blvd | 41 |
Eastman, Bernard | 36 |
Eder, C F | 36, 45, 56, 77 |
Eder Hardware Co | 45 |
Edson, Elmer | 87 |
Edwards, Will | 78 |
Elder, Rev J Edwin | 59 |
Eldred, Eber | 88 |
Eldred, M S | 88 |
Electric cars | 98 |
E M F car | 36 |
Emmett | 11, 12, 25, 31, 32, 47, 79, 96, 100, 109, 110, 118, 119 |
Emmettsville | 11, 100 |
Emory, Mr | 99 |
E Nelson A Miles Camp | 87 |
England | 109, 111 |
Epperson, Ray | 79 |
Erie Ralroad | 30 |
Ervery, J G | 88 |
Escondido, Calif | 57 |
Explorer Scouts Post | 64 |
F |
4H Clubs | 83, 85 |
4H Pig Club | 84 |
4H Pins | 85 |
4H Sewing Club | 84 |
Fahnestock, Ludlow | 78, 79 |
Faifer, W R | 57 |
Fairman, Fred | 37, 58 |
Fairfield, Nola | 58 |
Falk Community | 11, 12, 14, 24, 47, 99, 100, 102, 111, 121 |
Falk, David | 12, |
Falk, Nathan | 13, 110 |
Falk School District | 54 |
Falk Store | 6, 11, 12, 18, 47, 96, 100, 103, 110 |
Faris, Brady | 88 |
Farmers Cooperative Irrigation District Co | 25, 26, 27 |
Farmers Cooperative Creamery | 24 |
Farmers Cooperative Ditch | 35, 48 |
Farmers Cooperative Institute | 79 |
Faust, Charles | 88 |
Feldman, Orval | 82 |
Feldman Ranch | 122 |
Felthouse, Paul | 62 |
Ferch, H | 58 |
Ferch, Leona | 58 |
Ferch, Rev A I | 59 |
Ferguson, Nellie | 5 |
Field, Clara Anna | 76 |
Field, J R | 85, 105 |
Fire Dept | 34, 39 |
Fire Station | 40 |
First Baptist Church | 37, 57, 61 |
Fisher, John | 24, 43 |
Fitzsimons, Charles | 30 |
Five Stichers Club | 84 |
Fix-it Shop | 30 |
Flagpole | 73 |
Football | 68 |
Ford car | 36 |
Fort Ellis | 112 |
Fort Jefferson | 12, 13, 102 |
Fort Lincoln | 115, 118 |
Fortner, Mr | 83 |
Founders Day | 82 |
Fourth Of July | 55, 56, 68, 73 |
Freezeout Hill | 100, 110 |
Frei, Adolf | 61 |
French, C S (banker) | 26, 36, 38, 44, 46, 51, 59, 71 |
Fred (banker) | 36, 51, 59, 75 |
Fred, T D | 36, 46, 95 |
Friendly 4-H'ers | 84 |
Fruitland | 17, 19, 21, 33, 44, 46, 48, 49, 55, 62, 69, 77, 78, 87, 89, 101 |
Fruitland Canning Assn. | 21 |
Fruitland Fruit Assn | 19 |
Fruitland Fruit Cooperative | 19 |
Fry, Elder Harry | 64 |
Future Farmers Of America | 81 |
F |
Gaffney, Rev Charles D | 59 |
Galbriath, Robert | 75 |
Gallahue, Father | 60 |
Galloway, Rev Dean | 63 |
Garner, Rev | 61 |
Garrison, Mr | 31 |
Gaston, Kenneth | 82 |
Gem County | 24 |
George Edmond Thiel Post | 88 |
George Washington | 81 |
Gilbert, Rev Thomas | 59 |
Gillespie, Helen | 53 |
Gillett, Frank | 94 |
Gillett, Lucille | 94, 95 |
Gilmore, May | 6 |
Godschalx, Rev L C | 59, 60 |
Gold dust | 114, 120 |
Gold Hill Mine | 100 |
Golden Rule Store | 42 |
Goldsmith, Claire | 1, 2, 5, 6, 57 |
Goldsmith, W H | 30, 31, 78, 79 |
Good, Henry | 34 |
Good, Anna | 33, 34 |
Goodwill Club | 77 |
Gorieux, Rt Rev Bishop | 60 |
Gorton, Bill | 56 |
Gorton, Vernice | 31, 49 |
Grafe, Rosella | 76 |
Graham, Guy | 87 |
Grand Lodge | 77 |
Grand Rapids, Michigan | 38 |
Grange Hall | 64, 76, 78 |
Grasmick, W H | 70 |
Graves, Douglas J | 21, 36, 46, 75, 106 |
Graveyard Gulch Cemetary | 17 |
Greenbacks | 120, 121 |
Greenlee, Rev Clyde | 59 |
Gregory, C E | 78 |
Gresham, Clifford | 88 |
Greyhound Bus | 37 |
Griffin, Dave | 62 |
Grigg Brothers Quick Freeze | 21 |
Groceteria | 42 |
Gross, John | 88 |
Groves | 102, 110, 111, 122 |
Groves, Charley | 111 |
Groves, Ross | 107 |
Groves, William | 11, 109, 110 |
Guernsey cattle | 24, 84 |
Gwin, John | 69, 78, 79 |
H |
Hailey, Jim | 121 |
Hale, Edward Everett | 15 |
Halpin, Father T C | 60, 83 |
Hamilton, H H | 30, 54, 77 |
Hammock Family | 106 |
Hanigan, J H | 17, 42 |
Happy Hour Club | 77 |
Harlow, Edna | 46 |
Harper, Ed | 95 |
Harper, Fred | 24 |
Harris, Walace | 78 |
Harry, Clyde | 55 |
Hart, Alice | 119 |
Harvey, Paul | 82 |
Hastings, Nebraska | 97 |
Hatfield, M&M | 42 |
Hawaiian Islands | 62 |
Hawthorn St | 50 |
Hay | 21 |
Hayden, A P | 31 |
Hayes, Richard | 82 |
Hellenberg, A J | 77 |
Henderson, Roy | 79 |
Hereford Cattle | 22 |
Herman, Nebraska | 41, 43 |
High School | 54, 82 |
High, S W | 21, 24 |
Highlanders Lodge | 106 |
Highway 30 | 37, 61 |
Hill, Anna | 102 |
Hill, Bob | 102 |
Hill, Emily | 76 |
Hill, Hugh | 102 |
Hill, Sam | 102 |
Hilman, Wash | 107 |
Hinchliff, H S | 25, 38, 97, 105 |
Hislop, Lawrence | 63 |
Hog Heaven | 101 |
Holstein cattle | 24 |
Holstein Club | 84 |
Holy Rosary Hospital | 47 |
Home Cafe | 51 |
Homeopathic Physician | 106 |
Honey | 20 |
Hoppelman, H H | 60 |
Hopper, Bill | 82 |
Horseless buggy | 94 |
Horseshoe Bend | 12, 14 |
Hot Springs | 110 |
Hoyt, Marion | 62 |
Huntington | 121 |
Hunt's Ferry | 121 |
Hutchinson, Jim | 122 |
Hutton, Oren | 29, 105 |
Hyde, Johnny | 67 |
Hylton's home | 105 |
I |
Idaho | 43, 58, 59, 74, 77, 79, 85, 89, 95, 96, 102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 120 |
Idaho Canning Co | 21 |
Idaho City | 99, 100, 119 |
Idaho Newspaper | 12 |
Idaho Egg Producers | 23 |
Idaho Governor | 102 |
Idaho Oregon Light & Power Co | 35 |
Idaho Packing Co | 23 |
Idaho Power | 35, 41 |
Idaho Stageline | 11 |
Independence, Missouri | 64 |
Independent Co | 33 |
Indianola, Nebraska | 43 |
Indian Agents | 114 |
Indians | 13, 103, 110, 113, 115, 121 |
Indian scare | 95, 102, 122 |
Indian War of 1876 | 99, 114 |
Ingalls' Cabin | 35, 105 |
International Mind Alcove | 38 |
Inward, Paul | 79 |
Iowa | 47, 53 |
Irvin, Henry | 22 |
J |
Jackass Gulch | 14 |
Jackel, Rev Charles | 59 |
Jackson, Al | 95, 96 |
Jackson, Elder Max | 62 |
Jackson Home | 105 |
Jackson, Joe | 113, 115, 118 |
Jackson, LaVerne | 62 |
Jackson, Ramsey | 120 |
Jacobs, Claire | 58 |
Jacobs Rev | 61 |
James, Bill | 82 |
Japanese Forces | 89 |
Jersey cattle | 24 |
Jersey Club | 25, 84 |
Jerusalem | 100 |
Jewel, Dr L E | 67 |
Johnson, Charles | 120 |
Johnson, Henry | 121 |
Johnson, Irvin | 88 |
Johnson, Lloyd | 25 |
Johnson, S C | 103 |
Johnson, W C | 22, 102, 118, 120 |
Jones, Fred | 88 |
Jones, G S | 63 |
Judy, Rev Clayton | 59, 690 |
Junior High School | 54 |
K |
Kahle, Rev H A | 61 |
Kaiser, J J | 82 |
Kansas | 99, 103 |
Kansas City | 101 |
Kaurin, Rev Earl | 61, 64 |
Kellerman, W F | 61 |
Kelton, Utah | 101 |
Kennedy Cemetary | 17 |
Kennedy Family | 103 |
Kennedy Ranch | 118 |
Kennedy, Robert | 102, 122 |
Kennedy, Sam | 107 |
Kent, Rollo | 85 |
Kershaw, Rev John | 59 |
Ketchum Home | 73, 105 |
Kelton | 99 |
Kettle, Dr W W | 49 |
Keyes, Rev M J | 60 |
Killebrew, Gene | 32 |
Kinder, W D | 83 |
King, Betty | 120 |
King, Nannie | 120 |
King, Mike | 55, 101, 102 |
King, Rev Russell | 63 |
King, S W | 120, 121 |
Kiser, George | 104 |
Kiwanis Club | 82 |
Kiwanis International | 82 |
Knead & Need Club | 84 |
Knight, Buck | 79 |
Knight, Rev Henry F | 30, 108 |
Knight, Julius | 88 |
Knight, Lynn | 58 |
Knox, Wates | 96 |
Kocher, D H | 84 |
Korean War | 87, 91 |
Krauss, Richard | 61 |
L |
LaCrone, Estella | 5, 35, 76, 84, 111 |
LaCrone, James F | 51 |
Latter Day Saints Church | 63 |
Lee, Earl | 62 |
Lee, Harold | 84 |
Lenton, Eleanor | 57 |
Letha | 78 |
Lewis, C E | 69 |
Library | 37, 38 |
Lickey, Rev | 61 |
Lill, Martin | 75 |
Lincoln, Nebraska | 43 |
Linder, Mr | 85 |
Little, Dave | 96 |
Little Horn River | 114, 116 |
Little Malheur | 122 |
Little Willow | 121 |
Lockner Charlie | 31 |
Liquor | 16 |
Livestock | 22 |
Log Cabin Service Station | 28 |
Lower Payette Ditch | 15 |
L S M 2700s Radarman 3/C | 89 |
Ludwick, Rev Harold | 57, 61 |
Ludwick, Will | 102 |
Lutheran | 58, 60, 74 |
Lynch, J W | 38, 73, 75, 94, 95 |
Lynch, Irl | 94 |
Lynch, Jim | 105 |
M |
MacDonald, Rev | 59 |
Macomb, Irene | 105 |
Macomb, Jack | 79 |
Madays | 96 |
Madden Cogswell Co | 106 |
Madrid, Nebraskqa | 46 |
Magic Pictures | 67 |
Magic Stitchers | 84 |
Main St | 30, 41, 43, 49, 68, 73, 74 |
Maine | 48 |
Makinson, Alice | 76 |
Makinson, Clyde | 31 |
Malheur County | 24 |
Manns Creek | 93, 96 |
Marine Aircraft Group | 89 |
Marnoch, Elizabeth | 60 |
Martin Family | 106 |
Martinville | 11 |
Mason, Daisy | 11, 37, 104 |
Mason, Joe | 46, 54, 59, 74, 103, 104 |
Mason, George | 88 |
Mason, Mr | 85 |
Mason, Ross | 51 |
Mathews, Gilbert | 64 |
Matson, Gilbert | 84 |
Matthews, Neil | 24, 70 |
Maupin, Billy | 98, 99 |
Maxwell car | 36, 44 |
Maxwell, Fred | 83 |
McBride, Dr C M | 19, 47, 97 |
McCall | 67 |
McCarroll, B F | 33 |
McClelland, Mary | 37 |
McConnell, Governor | 105 |
McElroy, Tom | 87 |
McFarland, A J | 12, 14, 98, 99, 119 |
McFarland, Mabel | 103 |
McFarland Place | 104 |
McGowen, Father | 60 |
McIntire, Caroline H | 76 |
Medicine | 106 |
Medicine Shows | 68 |
Meechan, Louis | 88 |
Meier, Ernst | 61 |
Memphis, Tenn | 108 |
Men's Commercial Club | 37 |
Mercantile | 35, 51 |
Meroney, Ed | 70 |
Methodist | 14, 58 |
Mexico | 11 |
Meyer, A | 41, 43, 45, 105, 106 |
Meyer, Anna | 41, 76 |
Meyer, Elizabeth | 76 |
Meyer, Ernst | 39, 41, 44, 78 |
Meyer, Katheryn, | 76 |
Meyer, Katie | 76 |
Mayor | 94 |
Meyer & Creasey Store | 41 |
Middleton | 18 |
Midvale | 67 |
Miles, Errol | 58 |
Milk | 120 |
Mills, Eldon | 69 |
Milwaukee | 48 |
Minacker, Rev | 61 |
Mineral Wealth | 49 |
Minnesota | 112 |
Mississippi | 50, 120 |
Missouri | 11, 64, 100 |
Modern Woodmen | 75 |
Mogg, Rev C | 60 |
Monroe, Elder | 62 |
Moore | 12 |
Moore, Elder Philip | 64 |
Moore, Rev E A | 63 |
Moore's Service Station | 67 |
Morgan horse | 12 |
Morrow, Rev | 119 |
Moscow | 84 |
Moscow School Editors Meeting | 58 |
Moss, A B | 26 |
Motion pictures | 67 |
Mountain Home | 110 |
Mountain Meadow Massacre | 109 |
Mountain States T & T Co | 33, 34 |
Mud & Tubs | 94 |
Music Festival | 54 |
N |
Nampa | 22, 79 |
National Cancer Society | 49 |
National Grange | 78, 79 |
National Irrigation Committee | 15 |
Navy | 89, 109 |
Nazarene Church | 63 |
Neal, Amanda | 110 |
Neal Family | 102 |
Neal, Johnnie A | 75, 107, 122 |
Nebraska | 41, 43, 44, 46, 97 |
Nesbitt, Clarence | 22 |
Nesbitt, Ira | 88 |
Nesbitt, J Frank | 99, 100, 101 |
Nesbitt, Milt | 101 |
Nesbitt, Scott | 25 |
Nesbitt, Milt | 5 |
Nester, Rev | 61 |
Nevada, Governor | 102 |
Newman | 122 |
New Plymouth | 1, 12, 16, 17, 21, 24, 25, 28, 37, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49, 55, 56, 58, 62, 64, 68, 69, 73, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 93, 97, 101, 103, 105, 106, 111 |
New Plymouth Colony Company | 38, 53 |
New Plymouth Fire Dept | 39 |
New Plymouth Floral Club | 38 |
New Plymouth Groceteria | 43 |
New Plymouth High School | 1, 5, 54, 57 |
New Plymouth Junior English Class | 1, 5 |
New Plymouth Mercantile | 42 |
New Plymouth Public Library | 38 |
New Plymouth Schools | 53 |
New Plymouth Sentinel | 31, 34 |
Newport, Mr | 27 |
Newspaper | 57 |
New York | 101 |
Nez Perce | 117 |
Nichols, Cash | 12 |
Nichols, Doug | 100 |
Noble Ditch | 27, 105 |
Nobel Grand | 75, 77 |
Nolan, Father John | 60 |
Norfork, Virginia | 50 |
Northern Idaho College Of Education | 57 |
Northwest | 97 |
Northwest Assn | 55 |
Norvell, Bob | 82 |
Noyes, George | 68 |
Nuptial Mass | 60 |
Nutting, Glenn | 64 |
Nyssa, Oregon | 22, 45 |
O |
Odd Fellows | 42, 74, 76 |
Ogden | 99, 120 |
Oil Wealth | 49 |
Okinawa | 89 |
Oklahoma | 45 |
Old Oregon Trail | 14, 18 |
Old Sage Place | 104 |
Olds Ferry | 95 |
O'Leary, Michael | 88 |
Omaha | 49, 101 |
Ontario | 47, 63, 69, 79, 87, 107 |
Ontario Livestock Commission | 23 |
Oregon | 24, 45, 46, 49, 64, 110, 120, 122 |
Oregon Stage Line | 11 |
Osburns | 106 |
O'Toole, Rev Joseph P | 60 |
Outlook Newspaper | 31 |
Overland car | 36 |
Oxen | 99, 100 |
O |
Pacific Northwest | 15 |
Packer, K L | 78 |
Packard, Rev | 61 |
Paddock Valley | 101 |
Paiutes | 13 |
Palace Hotel | 51 |
Palmer, Mr | 83 |
Panama Exposition | 20 |
Pare, F | 88 |
Paris | 87 |
Parkview Cemetary | 17, 38, 48, 74 |
Parkview Cemetary Club | 38 |
Parma | 49 |
Parton, Burton | 64 |
Patheal, Charles | 68 |
Patton's Point | 25, 26 |
Paxton, Dr C C | 48 |
Payette | 12, 21, 24, 25, 33, 35, 41, 47, 49, 54, 57, 58, 60, 69, 73, 75, 77, 82, 83, 87, 89, 94, 96, 97, 103, 105 |
Payette Bottoms | 22 |
Payette County | 17, 84, 103, 107 |
Payette County Fair | 70, 80 |
Payette County Weed Control | 84 |
Payette Lakes | 27, 56 |
Payette River | 11, 14, 27, 28, 47, 99 |
Payette Valley | 5, 14, 15, 19, 23, 44, 50, 53, 100, 101, 110, 118, 119 |
Payette Valley Coop | 21 |
Payette Valely Independent Telephone Co | 32 |
Payette Valley Irrigation & Water Power Co | 25 |
Payette Valley Packing Company | 19 |
Payette Valley Sentinel Newspaper | 6, 21 |
Peacocks Club | 51 |
Pelfrey, Dr | 121 |
Pence, Delia | 5 |
Pence, Peter | 22, 95, 118, 120 |
Pence, Place | 120 |
Pence, Tom | 22, 83 |
Pennington Hdwe | 42 |
Penrod, Paul | 35, 70 |
Perisho, Mr | 51 |
Personette, Virgil | 57 |
Phelps, Rev George | 63 |
Phillips, J W | 94 |
Phillips, S E | 73, 95, 105 |
Picket Corral | 11 |
Picket Gang | 11 |
Pickett, Charles | 78 |
Pierce, Rev D A | 58 |
Pierson, Clara | 38 |
Pinson, M&M James | 4, 5 |
Pioneer Bldg | 30, 33 |
Pioneer Hall | 37, 49, 51, 63, 68, 69, 78 |
Piper, Zelma | 62 |
Placerville | 11, 12, 119 |
Plaisted School District | 54 |
Platz, John | 79 |
Pleasant View Schoolhouse | 55 |
Plughoff, William | 44, 94 |
Plymouth Ave | 48 |
Plymouth Company | 16, 68 |
Plymouth Hardware & Implement Co | 44 |
Plymouth Hardware & Lumber Co | 43 |
Plymouth Slope Community Hall | 64 |
Plymouth Theatre | 67 |
Poland Chinas Swine | 23 |
Pomeroy, S L | 5, 93, 99, 103 |
Ponca City, Oklahoma | 45 |
Pony Express | 79 |
Popma, Dr A M | 49 |
Porter Creek | 14 |
Portland | 34, 41101 |
Potter, Louis | 82 |
Poultry | 22 |
Powder River | 114 |
Powers Groceteria | 43 |
Powers, Mr | 43 |
Presbyterians | 53, 58, 59 |
Price, Rev William | 56, 59 |
Prior, H C | 77 |
Priscilla Club | 77 |
Priscilla Rebekah Lodge | 76 |
Pritzel, Charles | 24, 69 |
Pritzel, Joe | 24 |
Producers Farm Supply | 21 |
P.T.A | 80, 82 |
Puppet Show | 81 |
Purkhiser, Frances | 5 |
Puritan Society | 73 |
R |
Races | 68 |
Railroad | 47, 73, 98, 102, 120, 122, |
Ranger Alfalfa | 22 |
Ransom, Bob | 42 |
Ransom, Cora | 76 |
Ransom, Kitty | 54 |
Ransom, Rachael | 76 |
Redman, L | 17 |
Reed, Alice | 58 |
Reed, Pauline | 58 |
Relief Society | 64 |
Relyea, Amanda | 105 |
Relyea, Veda | 107 |
Relyea Vet | 59, 106, 105, 108 |
Reno, General | 114, 117 |
Renshaw, Mr | 53 |
Reo car | 36 |
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ | 64 |
Reverand Father | 59 |
Rice, Rev Clayton | 59 |
Rice, Joie | 107 |
Richards, Keith | 85 |
Riding Club | 54, 79, 80 |
Ringer, A C | 75 |
Ringer, Elizabeth | 76 |
Ringer, Fred | 74, 75 |
Ringer, J | 105 |
Ringer, Milton | 88 |
Ringer, Mr | 94 |
Ringer, Robert | 32 |
Ringer, Wilford | 88 |
Ritz, Elder A P | 62 |
Riverside Cemetary | 17 |
Robertson, Frank | 83 |
Robertson, Ina | 58 |
Robinson, Robert | 50 |
Rocky Mountain Divide | 46 |
Roden, Joe | 25 |
Rodeo | 70 |
Roepke, Gus | 105 |
Rome, N Y | 101 |
Roney, M&M Phillip | 5, 20, 21, 46 |
Rose, Mr | 54, 105 |
Rosedale Cemetary | 17 |
Rosemary (Cow) | 25 |
Ross, C Ben | 108 |
Royal Neighbors of America | 76 |
Russell, Warren | 83 |
S |
Sabbath School | 62 |
Sage, Emma | 76 |
Salt Lake City | 34, 97 |
Sanderson, A B | 82 |
Sand Hollow | 44 |
Sandpoint, Idaho | 77 |
Santa Claus | 76, 112 |
Sarchipone, Aldo | 89 |
Sargent, C H | 24, 84 |
Saturday Night | 56 |
Scalping | 114, 117 |
Schenek, Ida | 53 |
Schmelzel, William | 70 |
Schmid | 78 |
Schmid, Fred | 69, 84 |
Schmid, Rose Ann | 70 |
Schmid, Walt | 69, 70, 85 |
Schmidt, Leo | 68 |
Schrecongost, Alvin | 82 |
Schuler, Ms Aloys | 24 |
Scrivrer, Inez | 83 |
Sears, Rev | %9 |
Secretary Of The Interior | 28 |
Secretary Of The Navy | 89 |
Security Co. of New York | 25 |
Sentinel | 58 |
Seventh Cavalry | 114 |
Seventh Day Adventist | 62 |
Sewer System | 36 |
Shafer Creek | 14, 119 |
Shainwald, Ed | 12 |
Sharp, Gene | 61 |
Shaw, Mr | 30 |
Shaw, Brick | 32 |
Shaw, Eleanor | 32, 95 |
Shaw, J M | 58 |
Shaw, Reuben | 32 |
Shaw, Rustin | 54 |
Shawhan, B P | 15, 29, 73, 103, 106 |
Shawhan, J H | 29 |
Sheep | 23 |
Sherman House | 15 |
Shinuich, Father | 60 |
Shorthorn Cattle | 22 |
Sievers | 106 |
Silver Leaf Camp | 76 |
Simms, Chester | 12 |
Simms, Sam | 12 |
Simpson, Dave | 85 |
Sioux Indians | 113, 117 |
Siple, Ralph | 55 |
Sires, Ms | 80 |
Sisler, S H | 36 |
Sitting Bull | 117 |
Skinner, William | 31 |
Slate, Beecher | 68 |
Slater, Irvin | 24 |
Slaughter, Rev C H | 63 |
Slone, Kizziah J | 76 |
Smith, Colbert | 62 |
Smith, Dr J W | 48 |
Smock, Carlyle | 87 |
Smock, P Monroe | 17, 30, 31, 36, 61, 102 |
Smythe, William | 15 |
Snake River | 11, 14, 47, 100, 107, 122 |
Snyder & Sons | 29 |
Snyder, Clyde | 56 |
Snyder, E E | 51 |
Snyder, Eleanor White | 57 |
Snyder, Grace | 33 |
So & Sew Club | 84 |
Soda Acid | 39 |
Solomon Islands | 89 |
Sorenson, Bill | 82 |
South Blvd | 75 |
Southdown Sheep | 23 |
South Dakota | 109 |
South Pacific | 89 |
Spanish American War | 87 |
Speech Clnic | 54 |
Springsteen, H E | 88 |
Squaw Butte | 4 |
Squires, Norma Lee | 57 |
St Agnes | 59 |
Stanley, Rev I N | 59 |
State Grange | 79 |
State Jersey Breeders Assn | 24 |
Stauff, O B | 70 |
Steamboat | 122 |
Steel & Compton | 30, 74 |
Stegall, Allen | 105 |
Stellings Place | 68 |
Sterling, Hazel | 62 |
Steunenberg, A K | 74 |
Stevens, Avis Jeannie | 76 |
Stevens, F S | 29, 43, 51, 75 |
Stevens Hotel | 105 |
Stevens Store | 105 |
Stevenson, Adlai | 102 |
Stevenson, E A | 102 |
Stewart, Mary Carter | 76 |
St Louis | 108 |
St Louis World's Fair | 20 |
Stock & Crop Club | 85 |
Stone, Casey | 98 |
Stoner, Jay | 56, 57 |
Storms, Rev | 61 |
Stovel, | 29, 53, 105 |
Strange, Rev | 59 |
Strauss, Dr A V | 49, 50 |
Strawn, G B | 79 |
Strawn, Lester | 23 |
Strohbein, Ed | 24, 64, 65, 84 |
Strong, M B | 76 |
Stuart Cemetary | 17, 101 |
Stuart, George | 62 |
Stuart, Mary | 100 |
Studar, William | 14, 95, 100, 102 |
Student Leaders Conference | 54 |
Sturdy, Hilda | 79 |
Stuve, Edna | 54 |
Suffolk sheep | 23 |
Sugar beets | 22 |
Sugar Beets Factory | 22 |
Suicide ride | 115 |
Sullivan, Mike | 42 |
Sullivan, Roland | 42, 77 |
Sunday School | 58, 64 |
Sundles, Archie | 75, 95, 105 |
Sundles, Esther | 33 |
Sunnyside 4 H | 85 |
Sunshine Brand | 24 |
Sutton, Fay | 17 |
Sutton, Harvey | 74 |
Swatman Bldg | 33 |
Swatman, Charlotte | 88 |
Swatman, Elmer | 88 |
Swatman, Josie | 88 |
Swatman, Lillian | 88 |
Swine | 23 |
T |
Tackett, Walt | 79 |
Taft, President | 30 |
Talbot, A F | 78 |
Talbor, B F | 78 |
Telephone | 32 |
Tennesee | 53 |
Terry, General | 114, 117 |
Texaco Service Station | 106 |
Thanksgiving | 87 |
Thiel, Frank | 88 |
Theil, George | 88 |
Thomas, Leland E | 89 |
Thomas, U S S Leland E Thomas | 89 |
Thomas, D E | 89, 420 |
Thompson, Harry | 5, 57, 82 |
Thompson, Ranch | 11 |
Thurston, Robert V | 32 |
Tindall, Rev Jim | 63 |
Toombes, James | 11, 12 |
Toothman, Elsie | 57 |
Towery, Rev John | 59 |
Town Hall | 51, 53, 74 |
Trayer, E E | 41, 43, 77 |
Trayer, Mary | 38 |
Trayers Jewelry Store | 51 |
Triangle Ranch | 18, 101, 103 |
Tucker, LaVern | 62 |
Tuttle Lumber Co | 106 |
Tuttle, Ray | 5, 37, 88 |
Tuttle, R G | 30, 31, 105 |
U |
Ubbelohde, Rev Kenneth | 59 |
Umatilla Landing | 14 |
Umatilla Stage Line | 11 |
Union, Oregon | 46 |
Union Pacific R R | 37 |
United States | 22, 83, 89 |
United States Infantry | 108, 109 |
Updyke, Dave | 11 |
Upson Place | 101 |
Utah | 26, 101, 109 |
Utah Idaho Distict | 83 |
Utah Stage Line | 11 |
V |
Vacation Bible School | 64 |
Vale, Oregon | 48, 87 |
Valley View | 44 |
Vandenberg, Rev Father | 60 |
Van Petten Lumber Co | 30, 45 |
Van Petten, Bertha | 45 |
Van Petten, E C | 45, 46 |
Van Petten, Paul | 45 |
Van Winkle, Margaret | 76 |
Vaughn, Ernest | 83 |
Vaughn, George | 24 |
Venable, Abe | 50 |
Vermont | 99 |
Vernholm, Willard | 31 |
Vesey, Miss | 29 |
Veterans Administration | 48 |
VFW | 89, 91 (see complete list of Members) |
Vicksburg | 108 |
Vigilantes | 99 |
Virginia | 50 |
Vogel, William | 57 |
W |
Wachter, Bill | 43, 44 |
Wachter, Laura E | 76 |
Wachter, Louis | 30, 41, 45, 105 |
Wagner, Elder Fred | 62 |
Wagner, Leo | 63 |
Walker's Traveling Shows | 69 |
Walla Walla | 14, 101, 121 |
Walling's Club | 51 |
Walsh, Father Leo | 60 |
Ware, Bob | 83 |
Warren, Dan | 84 |
Washington County | 24 |
Washington D. C. | 27, 114 |
Washoe Ferry | 11 |
Washoe Hill | 106 |
Water System | 35 |
Wayman, William | 26, 75 |
Weidner, Hallie Cox | 32, 54 |
Weidner, Henry | 20 |
Weiser | 59, 60, 96, 104, 105, 111 |
Wells, Pauline Flint | 95 |
West Blvd | 29 |
West Elm | 51 |
Westendorf, Pastor | 61 |
Westfall | 107 |
Western Coop | 24 |
Western Store | 33 |
Whelan, Anna | 33 |
Whelchel, W H | 101 |
Wherry, Ben | 70 |
Wherry's Hdwe | 51 |
Whiffin, Lena | 53 |
White, Harold | 56, 57 |
White Hardware | 44, 49 |
White, Mr | 67 |
White, Raymond | 56 |
White, Roy | 43, 44, 77 |
Whites | 44, 45 |
Whitney Pratt | 20 |
Wilcox, Arthur | 55 |
Wilcox, Orlo | 55 |
Williamette River | 14 |
Williams, Bill | 12, 42, 122 |
Williamson, Verlin | 57 |
Wilson, Mary | 119 |
Wilson Meat Animal Production | 84 |
Wisconsin | 48, 109 |
Wisconsin Infantry | 108 |
Wiseman, Doris | 62 |
Wiseman, Dorothy | 62 |
Wolfrey, Robert | 85 |
Woodward, Mr | 57 |
Women's Civic Club | 37 |
World Of Idaho Newspaper (Idaho City) | 12 |
World War I | 87, 88 |
World War II | 87 |
WRCA | 79 |
Wright, Dr | 121 |
W |
YMCA | 87 |
York Brothers | 93 |
Youtshil, J | 105 |